I hope these N64 RARE Classics come to VC


WiiChat Member
Feb 18, 2007
After playing Mario 64 and Mario Kart 64 wich look and run better than ever on the Wii, got me thinking I hope Nintendo brings these N64 RARE classics to the VC, Conker's Bad Fur Day,Donkey Kong 64,Banjo-Kazooie,Banjo-Tooie,GoldenEye 007,Perfect Dark,and Diddy Kong Racing.It would be awesome to see them running in 480p with better framerates especially the Banjo series.
Conker's Bad Fur Day = 95% Never

Donkey Kong 64 = 95% Yes, probably

Banjo-Kazooie = 95% Never

Banjo-Tooie = 95% Never

GoldenEye 007 = 70% Most likely not

Perfect Dark = 95% Never

Diddy Kong Racing = 80% Most likely not

So it looks like Donkey Kong 64 is the only one you guys can really bet on.
007 should come out. Rare game or not, it was one of Nintendo 64's top 5 games.
Did anyone else know that Goldeneye sold more copies than Halo 2 ...? Give that piece of fact to any Xbox dick to shut their mouth!
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En4Neo said:
Conker's Bad Fur Day = 95% Never

Donkey Kong 64 = 95% Yes, probably

Banjo-Kazooie = 95% Never

Banjo-Tooie = 95% Never

GoldenEye 007 = 70% Most likely not

Perfect Dark = 95% Never

Diddy Kong Racing = 80% Most likely not

So it looks like Donkey Kong 64 is the only one you guys can really bet on.

Any truth behind those numbers or did you just write up random predictions.
It's becoming almost a fact now. Either Microsoft will get Golden Eye or Nintendo. We may even see them launch on both systems. That game is going to relaunch somewhere this year.
i hate perfect dark. when i played it it just seemed like a bad bad bad version of goldeneye, with more bullshit. totally whack.
Nintendo would stack up some huge points if they released Goldeneye in the Virtual Console!
Microsoft can't use goldeneye on its console
Even if the game was made by Rare, it was made for a nintendo console, and they signed contracts and stuff. When rare was sold, they left Donkey Kong, Starfox and some other games for nintendo.

and its most likely nintendo will put goldeneye on VC
NFL Blitz kicked ass.. even though it's a Midway game and this is a Rare game thread, but it was the only other football game I like to play besides Mutant League Football for genesis.

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