i really hope some rare games..


Chapter .1
Aug 20, 2006
Miami Beach, fl
..like KILLER INSTINCT and KILLER INSTINCT GOLD will be available, man i love those games, best games EVER!!! ofcourse oo7 and perfect dark and banjo kablooey, but i hope rareware gives them out, i mean nintendo DID published it
NeMeZyZ said:
..like KILLER INSTINCT and KILLER INSTINCT GOLD will be available, man i love those games, best games EVER!!! ofcourse oo7 and perfect dark and banjo kablooey, but i hope rareware gives them out, i mean nintendo DID published it

OMG Killer Instinct is my most favourite game on the SNES, I like to play Spinal the skeleton... ohh and that Raptor was pretty cool to play with also forgot his name. That will be the first VC game I get if they have it. They should put some Killer Instinct players in SSBB now that would be entertainment! Mario Vs Spinal..... ohhh i can dream it now!
Sadly since Rareware sold themselves out to Microsoft, and took all their rights with them, it's unlikely any Rare games will be on VC.

Rare might not mind, but Microsoft isn't about to give money to its competition.
if not, they could make these games free, becuase their just not allowed to turn a profit out of them
I hope they do get the rights to same rare games. I personally can't wait to get my hands on "Blast Corps". BUt to be honest I don't think it will happen. Mainly because Micro$oft will not allow it.
i dunno, microsoft will still be able to get more $$$ if they were to allow nintendo to VC their old titles, because I would really love to see Jet Force Gemini on VC
Perhaps some odd deal could be set up for microsoft and nintendo to share the profits? No? Ok then, just a thought.

And yeah, i REALLY wanted Perfect Dark as i wasnt prepared to pay for the game and expansion pak when it was out before on 64' (would have been £80-90
I've said this on another thread but it wouldn't make sense for MS not to use VC cause VC should stand for Virtual Cashcow... 5 bucks a game x 5 million consoles=25 mil in sales x 30 games of rare rough figures(many games will be more than 5 bucks)... almost 1 billion at least cut between Nintendo and MS.... they can't be stupid enough to not see the money making possibilities
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no I don't think so... if the system sales it sales... regardless of Rare VC games... MS isn't going to help them sale or hurt their sales by doing one or the other, they'll just make money one way more than the other. It's about making money off something so dusty on a shelf it'll take 'em a year to find those games...
i say if they do it it would be win-win, and here the scenario to back it:

1.MS allows nintendo to VC Jet Force Gemini
2.Old school players download it
3.MS releases sequal to said title
4.Old school player jump the 360 bandwagon just for their fanboyedness
5.This would be the first time touching such game for those 360 gen players they become engulfed in the game and would like to trace its roots back to the Nintendo, and since finding it on 64 is moderatly difficult, they would get a wii, when more openly available, and download it, thus opening up their world to Nintendo.

its almost like a shifting of systems, and almost seems like more people would more likely own both a 360 and a Nintendo at the same time.

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