I'm becoming dissapointed with the wii...


WiiChat Member
Jan 28, 2009
I bought my wii back in 07 and bought smash bros. for it. It was an ok game, but I was kinda dissapointed with it. Then I played Twilight princess for it; I was dissapointed with it(particularly two things: the level of difficulty and all the waggling). Then I bought CoD WaW. It's fun and all, but I also dissapointed me(no voice chat support or even ANY way to communicate). Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

The bottom line is that the wii is slowly dissapointing me more and more. The immense amount of garbage that comes out on it is almost unbearable. I mean, the other day, I saw a game called"party babies" and this little girl was begging her mom for her to buy it for her saying, "please mom, buy it for me!" And the mom was like, "what do you do in the game?" to which the little girl replied, "you get to take care of babies!" or something like that anyways; I cringed on the inside. And the massive amounts of waggling involved in like every wii game is boring. Can't they come up with some more creative controls??? Then there's nintendo's stubborn persistence in "friend codes". If thing's seriously don't improve with the wii soon, I'm gonna get rid of it. Don't get me wrong though. Some games have done a good job with creative controls and stuff, but Why are the majority of the games on wii "waggling".

There's some hope though, in the Conduit and in the new(yet another one) peripheral; the wii motion plus thing. That game looks like it will be amazing. So If that game doesn't disappoint, I might hang on to my wii for a while. But I'm still disappointed that I have to buy yet another peripheral to enjoy games as they were meant to be played on the wii. I mean, why couldn't they just include the hardware from the beggining when they released the wii ? That kinda pisses me off.

meh... I'm just venting. feel free to discuss.
Its solid gameplay for the most part, but I agree the games aren't like the good old n64 games
I'm assuming that you don't own a PS3 or a 360. If you buy a PS3 then you would be happy with your Wii because your craving for hardcore games will be satisfied.
Trust me dude, good games are finally coming in 2009. Google upcoming Wii games for 2009 or hit IGN, much better than stuff we're used to.

..still not satisfied then buy a 360 and play both systems.
if you think wii music is that bad it offends you without even having it, then get out of gaming. there are crap games on every system.
If you really want to then wait for the Conduit, personally I think it's going to disappoint a lot of people, but you may as well wait for the reviews. I sold my Wii and have been gaming on my 360 and pc for around a year and a half.
Im getting sick of the Wii aswell, Since buying a PS3. My wii has probably been played twice if that.
Maybe you don't like Nintendo games, in which case I can understand you being dissapointed because the Wii has pretty much been surviving on 1st party games. Personally I have liked the majority so far because they do remind me of the N64 games that I used to play.

I didn't expect voice chat to be included in COD:WAW as it was released before Wii Speak, although I've always thought that the majority of voice chat in games was more annoying than anything else. Future games should feature it though for people who want that option.

Not sure why you are bothered by Wii Music and Party Babyz. They clearly are not aimed at you and there's no reason to deny the intended audience of games that they may enjoy. Party Babyz actually scored 7.5 on IGN so it's not a shovelware game and I have no objection to games that cater for kids/casuals as long as they are not lazy junk. A bit of something for everyone is fair.

There are already plenty of great games on the Wii from both Nintendo and 3rd parties (e.g. SMG, MP3, NMH, Okami, GH:WT, De Blob, PES, Shaun White etc). There are a lot more 'hardcore' games coming out this year though, with Tenchu, HOD: Overkill, Deadly Creatures this month, the awesome looking Madworld in March and of course The Conduit in June. More 3rd parties are shifting their focus towards the Wii too because it is the biggest selling system and because it's cheaper to develop for (which is good when in a recession).

2009 will be a great year for the Wii so you should really hang onto it. If you don't have a decent PC then supplement the Wii with a 360 or PS3 as well and then you'll be set for a lot of great gaming for the next couple of years.
Well let's see here, you have 3 quality 3rd party games out this month.

Deadly Creatures
The House Of The Dead: Overkill
Tenchu: Shadow Assassins

All 3 got very positive reviews, and I personally bought Deadly Creatures out of those 3, and let me tell you it's a very good effort made by the developer Rainbow Studios, the gameplay and graphics are done very well.

Plus, there are more games coming in 2009 as mentioned before. Keep your eyes pealed. ;)
I bought my wii back in 07 and bought smash bros. for it. It was an ok game, but I was kinda dissapointed with it. Then I played Twilight princess for it; I was dissapointed with it(particularly two things: the level of difficulty and all the waggling). Then I bought CoD WaW. It's fun and all, but I also dissapointed me(no voice chat support or even ANY way to communicate). Then there's wii music, the game that makes me ashamed to own a wii( I don't own wii music, but the concept of it is retarded).

The bottom line is that the wii is slowly dissapointing me more and more. The immense amount of garbage that comes out on it is almost unbearable. I mean, the other day, I saw a game called"party babies" and this little girl was begging her mom for her to buy it for her saying, "please mom, buy it for me!" And the mom was like, "what do you do in the game?" to which the little girl replied, "you get to take care of babies!" or something like that anyways; I cringed on the inside. And the massive amounts of waggling involved in like every wii game is boring. Can't they come up with some more creative controls??? Then there's nintendo's stubborn persistence in "friend codes". If thing's seriously don't improve with the wii soon, I'm gonna get rid of it. Don't get me wrong though. Some games have done a good job with creative controls and stuff, but Why are the majority of the games on wii "waggling".

There's some hope though, in the Conduit and in the new(yet another one) peripheral; the wii motion plus thing. That game looks like it will be amazing. So If that game doesn't disappoint, I might hang on to my wii for a while. But I'm still disappointed that I have to buy yet another peripheral to enjoy games as they were meant to be played on the wii. I mean, why couldn't they just include the hardware from the beggining when they released the wii ? That kinda pisses me off.

meh... I'm just venting. feel free to discuss.


thats what us "hardcore" gamers have been complaining about LOL.........this is so funny but true
if you think wii music is that bad it offends you without even having it, then get out of gaming. there are crap games on every system.

true but no other system has a "Party this" Party that" Wii This" Wii That" "Shake this" Shake that" "Lets This" "Lets That" in the title.......... LOL

you sound new to gaming yourself

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