I'm looking for princess Zelda...

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Jul 6, 2006
Can't wait to get my hands on a Wii!

Some background info:
The only Nintendo console I've owned is the NES & I didn't get one of those until the SNES was out :rolleyes: (how's that for being born under a bad sign)

Then I got into PC gaming hardcore but ended up getting tired of that b/c I felt like I was spending more time playing w/the settings on my PC to get games to run right than actually playing games. So I broke down & under the influence of my friends got an xbox. I thought it was great for a while, but recently have grown tired of the non-innovative gameplay. Each game just gets a graphics makeover but the game mechanics are relatively unchanged. Nor did the PS3 or Xbox360 excite me that much.

It was during this time that I was watching footage from E3 & was blown away by the Wii & I realized I'd been missing the whimsical, creative & engaging games from Nintendo. Never have I been so impressed by a game as when I 1st played Legend of Zelda & later, Super Mario 64. So, to feed my new itch for some Nintendo action again, I unhooked my xbox & bought an old N64, so I could play Ocarnia of Time ;)

Also, during my xbox stint I wished that video game companies would create a new innovative controller, to freshen up gameplay. Lo & behold, here comes the Wii to save the day! (& the price point doesn't hurt :))

whew, that was long!
Nice story. Keep up the lengthing replys people like them lik that. Also welcome.
This isn't an intro forum...but hey, welcome. And don't worry about expressing ur love 4 nintendo, this is the place 2 do it:D
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ssbb_lover said:
This isn't an intro forum...but hey, welcome. And don't worry about expressing ur love 4 nintendo, this is the place 2 do it:D
isn't the title of the forum 'Introduce Yourself'??
hey I am in the same boat as you, I owned a snes, then PS2. I got tired of gaming a little while ago but then found simple addicting games, and the Wii seemed...different, I was curious and now I plan on buying one and taking it to college.
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