Insomniacs assemble!!


Fighting games are the best in terms of competition, imo.

You have never been to my local pub when games night is on
Baku baku animal is ment to be a kids game
Same with Micro Machines
Game >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Anime

Anime was eh.

Bad mouth it all you want, but there's a reason it was made into an anime, into a fighter, and rebooted for the Vita.

Xenosaga had that same problems, pointless chatter and such. I honestly wouldn't pay attention to it if the plot wasn't divine.

Lol Halo Campaign.

Who plays those?

... The competitive crowd, in all-due irony, has more fun 'n enjoys what they play moreso than the CoD imbeciles and such. Not that they set a high denominator.

Nope. Standard CoD is more fun than competitive, like everything else. Unless it's competitive CoD.
At least with COD this year the first thing we saw wasn't the Mutliplayer.

Seriously its annoying seeing "OMG MULTIPLAYER IS LIKE THIS!!! also single player
That reminds me, I haven't used Steam for months.
Dont even know my log-in details. Steam sales have no effect on me
I enjoy Halo 4. But only when I am playing with my friends. When me and 3 of my other friends get together and play, it's a blast. We usually win but 3 of us don't mind losing as long as it was a competitive game. One of my friends, even if we win 30 games in a row, as soon as we have any sort of small loosing streak (around 3 in a row) he will rage quit without saying anything. Even if the games were close (like 5-4 CTF or something). I'd rather lose and it be a close, good game than completely dominate the other team. However if it is a game where we can't even move 10 feet before getting shot, it's no fun.

As for steam, I have been play CS:GO lately since buying it on the latest sale. Good fun!
How much fun Halo is is very much determined on who you're playing with. I can only play like 3 games of Halo by myself, but with the right people, I can play for about 8-10 games or so.
How much fun Halo is is very much determined on who you're playing with. I can only play like 3 games of Halo by myself, but with the right people, I can play for about 8-10 games or so.

I can play all day with the right people but IMO that goes the same with any multiplayer game. I don't get much joy out of playing online games with strangers. I am introverted and don't have an easy time talking. It sucks but what are ya gonna do?
^ This.

Fighting games are the best in terms of competition, imo.

And a debatable opinion that is, indeed... Fightin' games are namely a combination of fast fingers, knowledge and ridiculous practice to get that muscle memory as quick as your mind. It's competitive sports wherein all the physical movement is limited to your fingers, really.

Competitive RPGs however, are all mental. It's my opinion that physical prowess can be learnt by anyone with enough drive, minus physical ailments that're literally impossible t' overcome. It's also my opinion that not everyone has the capacity t' hone the mind. Takes much more than just drive or inborn talent to be a competitive player in the most intellectual of competitive games, I'd say. Fightin' games are more fun to watch and be a part'a the hypecrowd, but I'd say the more mental a competitive game is, the better the competition. So **** like Starcraft or teh pokeymanz get my vote as bein' the best sort'a competitive gaming junk, be them the most excitin' to watch or not.

Nope. Standard CoD is more fun than competitive, like everything else. Unless it's competitive CoD.


Fun in regards to whether casual or competitive's better is entirely relative to the individual and their tastes. Your thought on the matter is opinion, not fact. get yer [STRIKE]facts[/STRIKE] opinions str8 son