Insomniacs assemble!!

Hmmm, at an average of 2 cups a day, you would have 830 cups a year, or 62250 for 75 years of that lifestyle. At 100mg of caffeine a coffee, that's 6.225 kg of caffeine. Excellent.


This slip in intelligence has encouraged me to become less naive...or ignorant, whatever the more fitting term is. To be honest I think I know more then the average American, but still, that's not a whole lot. So I went out and bought seven notebooks, each for different knowledge areas, and I plan to take notes as I learn more things. Not only does writing this down encourage me to learn it, but if I ever forget anything, I can just look in the notebook.
The first challenge is "Praise Feebas as your lord and savior".

I couldn't imagine who could be behind this. >_>
That's for everyone on this forum (excluding myself, seeing as I'm the GM by proxy)

Fortunately, if one persona does it, everyone passes.

Any volunteers?
That's for everyone on this forum (excluding myself, seeing as I'm the GM by proxy)

Fortunately, if one persona does it, everyone passes.

Any volunteers?

I have no clue what you are parping on about