Insomniacs assemble!!

Huh huh, you said "Pull off"
Well, you're excused for doin' stupid things. T'is natural for anyone dumb enough t' be a Feebas fan.
I have a really bad feeling about all this politics. I feel if Obama bombs Syria it will only end up really bad. /randompolitics
... The hell're you talkin' 'bout? We've bombed tons'a countries in the East with no consequences what-so-ever many'a time. You're just paranoid.
No we haven't just been bombing randomly and we certainly should not bomb on a whim. This whole situation is filled with lies and over exaggerations. Makes me sick. And I have a suspicion, not out of superstition mind you, that all this will unfold Friday.
Yep, I'm aware. Wars ain't profitable ventures by coincidence.

I ain't keepin' tabs on the whole Syria situation, but from what I understand most'a the Government isn't for givin' Syria a bunch of aerial kill-streaks... not yet at least. As ya said, too much confusion. 'Less Assad does more stupid **** (which will almost assuredly occur), and there's undeniable proof'a it (which may not occur), the US might not start WWIII.

This whole situation is filled with lies and over exaggerations. Makes me sick.

Welcome t' the world of politics!
The problem is there is no evidence linking Assad to the chemical attacks. Plus we don't even know for sure if chemical weapons were used. Obama lied and over exaggerated about the whole thing in his address. McCain is also lying about this whole thing. And this does not make any sense why are people from both parties supporting something so unclear. While the rational people from both parties are against it. It's like parties don't even matter anymore. Russia is moving their "carrier killer" up the Mediterranean. It seems Russia and Syria are the only ones looking for peace which should be Obama's job, and Russia is preparing for the worse. And this whole thing is continuing to escalate.

This whole thing is foreboding.
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[strike]As long as it doesn't hurt me or anyone close to me, I'm fine with any kind of bombings.[/strike] Honestly I don't really care for such things.

Summer is supposed to be over, goddamit! One cannot simply think clearly in the heat I'm experiencing.