Internet Play


WiiChat Member
Jun 27, 2006
So i have a Cord Router does that mean i wont be able to use it to connect to the Wii internet because it has WIFI or watever if so i will need to but a wireless router yeah ?
You can get a router if you want (you *will* have to if you plan on using anything non-nintendo on wifi), or there is a USB adapter already available for the DS (it will likely work for the Wii too), you plug it into your computer and allows you to connect wirelessly

Hey, i asked the same thing *pokes similar threads, the TOP ONE :D* I don't have wireless either but we should be able to connect with a USB according to the official website (from my understanding)
I think u get the Wii and u don't need anything of that u just put connect to internet and play that

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