What if we dont have WiFi?


WiiChat Member
Aug 21, 2006
So i understood that Wii will come with WiFi straight out of the box which means we can play watever games have online capabilities right away. What if our homes dont have wireless internet?

I myself use a broadband service. Will i need to buy a special adapter or is there a slot on the Wii where i can plug in a cord which i could then plug in to my router?

Sorry if this question has been asked before.
There will be a usb adapter you can buy for your computer that will allow you to do this i have also heard there is an ethernet adapter for the console its self. If you have a Wireless router it may work with it out of the box with out an adapter. WiFi does not mean wireless internet such as virizons service it just means you have a wireless network at your home. this infering you have a cable or dsl internet service.

Here is the adapter it works on both DS and Wii.

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cool thanx link, this adapter seems pretty sweet. You sure it will work with the Wii? Im not doubting it wont though.
I can't believe they wouldn't just stick an ethernet port on the think :wtf: I mean it's virtually free, hidden away and lets people with no wi-fi connect without the dongle thing. I mean come on it can't be hard :lol:
I suggest to invest in wireless router. More and more devices are coming into the home with wifi. I am sure it's a good investment over and above Wii.
Yah, I recently got a wireless router/modem combo thing and I love it, half the reason we got it was to hook up old comp, other half was for the Wii.
so wait??.....i have both a router, and a wireless router......but the computer im on now is the normal router, and closer to the TV im going to use for my Wii......so do you need a wireless router somewhere in ur house....or is it going to need something to connect to it?......i am so confused someone needs to explain this to me
JCpackers05 said:
so wait??.....i have both a router, and a wireless router......but the computer im on now is the normal router, and closer to the TV im going to use for my Wii......so do you need a wireless router somewhere in ur house....or is it going to need something to connect to it?......i am so confused someone needs to explain this to me
You can replace your wired router with a wireless one, you don't need both, and often wireless routers have ethernet switches built in
registerednerd said:
I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!! :) Push battle is my fav :D

PM me your friend code if you wanna play!
(Only if I know mine at the moment) ;P

C :)
Is there any info syaing the wii will be able to connect through a server? Im gonna put one in my upstairs office, and connect to the internet via that, but will the wii?

I think I am not following you. What does a "server" as to do with internet connection. Is your server broadcasting wirelessly? (Then it's acting as a wireless router, so yes, your wii should work. If you mean via a wire, that will depend on Wii's accessories.

C :)

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