Is liking pokemon and anime cool


Ultimate WiiFan Boy
Feb 9, 2009
Wii Online Code
hey i am 15 almost 16 and i still like Pokemon and all that stuff i had to stop liking it because everyone else hated it and i didn't want my rep to be hurt even more then it is, but now since I've been home schooled i let that side of me out but i am just wondering is it cool to like it at 15. I know i know i shouldn't letpeople decide what i like and if i like it i should be happy with that but you all have probably been where i have what do i do.
If you're too embarassed to have others realize something you like, you don't have to tell them. It's not like they have a right to know about your life. As long as you see interest and harmlessness in what you do, it doesn't matter what others think.

Honestly, it's cool to like whatever you want to like as long as it's harmless and you're not overindulging yourself. This is why people make fun of "Nerds", "Goths", "Jocks", "Otakus", etc. because they treat their interests like it's supposed to be a way of life. As long as you're smart enough to realize there are things in life bigger and more important than your simple "interests" (in other words, not obsessed with anime, pokemon, or anything else), you will always be "cool".
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If you like that stuff, then don't let anyone else tell you that you shouldn't. If it's embarassing for you, you could just not tell your friends about those interests. Personally, I only started watching anime at 21 (after years of thinking anime was for kids), although I tend to only watch the more mature series like Ghost in the Shell or Monster.
As long as you dont become so obsessed that you start calling your pets the names of pokemon your not a full on looser
(I herd of a kid many years ago back when its popularity was at its peak that called his goldfish "Pikachu" where as "Goldeen" would of been a more fitting name)

As for likeing anime.............As long as it isnt obsession and fanboyism and thinking that one seres is the only good one I dont really care
(Kinda a big anime fan here)
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hey i am 15 almost 16 and i still like Pokemon and all that stuff i had to stop liking it because everyone else hated it and i didn't want my rep to be hurt even more then it is, but now since I've been home schooled i let that side of me out but i am just wondering is it cool to like it at 15. I know i know i shouldn't letpeople decide what i like and if i like it i should be happy with that but you all have probably been where i have what do i do.

I'm 16 turning 17 & i love poke'mon i just dont were those threads or you'll look like a loser if you think about it or ask ur friends they dont really care if you like that or not to each is own right!
What's uncool is hiding it.

All of my non-Pokemon loving friends know that I love Pokemon with all my heart, but they're my friends, so they don't judge me for it. We still have an AWESOME time together.
Playing Pokemon is fun, that is true. If your friends don't think it's cool to play it, don't play it around them.

That, and you could find some friends who also like it.

Watching Anime can be cool, depending on which Anime you watch....
Even when I was 8 people made fun of me for liking Pokemon because they didn't.

All I got to say is if you like something stay true to your beliefs, don't let others persuade you when they have no business doing so.
liking something is fine. obsessing over it is another.
keep it as a hobby, don't make it your life.
[STRIKE]Lol at you.[/STRIKE]

It's kinda bias at this forum but yeah, I agree with the other people. They're your interests, why should it matter to other people as long as it doesn't interfere with them by you annoying them because of it.

Ie, don't constantly bug them about your charizard;)

EDIT: GODDAMN SOVI D= got in before me
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Meh, I grew out of Pokemon but I still talk about it with a few friends for the nostalgia. And I'll pick up a recent Pokemon game every now and then to see whats changed (And boy how its changed).

I guess what I'm getting at here is, if you like it, play it. And when it becomes a thing of the past for you, its not out of your life for good :lol:

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