Its a ps3 Christmas!


WiiChat Member
Mar 2, 2007
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Alright, I don't know for sure if I'm getting a ps3 or not. I'm thinking about getting a ps3 or 360 since I can get an 80 GB ps3 with a game for the same price as an x-box 360 elite with two games ( only like one of the two though..) I don't know what to get. Lots of my friends have 360 and play on live so if I get a 360 I could play with them. Thats whats pushing me towards asking for the 360.

Heres where you come in, I'm asking for your opinion on the ps3.

I have a wii but I'm looking for a system that has good graphics and lots of awesome first person shooters. I also like to play online how good is the ps3s online?

If you could, would someone please convince me to get a ps3 over a 360.
I suggest to follow your gut instinct. If the first thing you wanted was a ps3, then get a ps3. If it was a 360, get a 360. I myself enjoyed playing the ps3, more because I never really liked the games on the 360. :/
my vote goes to 360, sorry got nothing top convince you with for the ps3
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Well I wanted a 360 when it came out and now that the ps3 is the same price I don't know what to get.

The way I see it is the games I want the most are on both systems theres only a couple I like that only one system has and the other doesn't.

But the thing thats pushing me towards a ps3 is the cost of xbox live. At this point I still don't know.

Thanks to everyone thats replied.
360 gets the red ring, but other than that great system..the online is incrdible.
ps3 doesn't have a good selection of games so far, but its coming along..hope this helps
ilikecookies said:
Alright, I don't know for sure if I'm getting a ps3 or not. I'm thinking about getting a ps3 or 360 since I can get an 80 GB ps3 with a game for the same price as an x-box 360 elite with two games ( only like one of the two though..) I don't know what to get. Lots of my friends have 360 and play on live so if I get a 360 I could play with them. Thats whats pushing me towards asking for the 360.

Heres where you come in, I'm asking for your opinion on the ps3.

I have a wii but I'm looking for a system that has good graphics and lots of awesome first person shooters. I also like to play online how good is the ps3s online?

If you could, would someone please convince me to get a ps3 over a 360.

The best answer is, the PS online network is great!!!! Its Fast!!!! and unlike xbox live, its FREE!!

No worrying about paying to play Live when you can be spending that money on more games. The PS3 does other things than mere game play, will have HOME and Homebrew, and a good game line up on the horizon.

The downside is that if you wish to play only fps, the 360 has the most fps titles out right now and it uses dirx 10, which I have yet to see fully used on it.

The PS3 makes use of better lighting though, which is just as important. Compare the FPS The Darkness on PS3 and 360 and you will see what i mean. The PS3 is more cinematic in nature and has attracted previous 360 devs to make the switch over.

You would probably like Warhawk and you could probably get your friends addicted to it as well once they try it out.

Its up to you though, the 360 at the moment has more fps titles. In my opinion though, the PS3 has a brighter and longer future.
Fire Flower said:
Get the premium XBOX. I'm pretty sure it comes with a year of XBOX Live.
No it doestn it come with 1 month free.

To the o/p

i can only coment on the 360.But the live on it is amazing but then you have the chance of red ring but what ever you like get it.:yesnod:
I will be very simple. Only buy a system if you have 5 games you want on it. You can only go up from there. Use the 5 game rule. These have to be 5 games you absolutely want to check out, like MGS4. Right now the 360 has 4 games I want. SOTN, Lost Planet, Street Fighter HD, Lost Odessy. If they get MGS4 for the 360, I'm there. They already dropped that price down to $279.

I also recommend for those who are a little more picky not to buy the console until all 5 of those games are already out.
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sagema said:
I will be very simple. Only buy a system if you have 5 games you want on it. You can only go up from there. Use the 5 game rule. These have to be 5 games you absolutely want to check out, like MGS4. Right now the 360 has 4 games I want. SOTN, Lost Planet, Street Fighter HD, Lost Odessy. If they get MGS4 for the 360, I'm there. They already dropped that price down to $279.

I also recommend for those who are a little more picky not to buy the console until all 5 of those games are already out.

There are easily 5 games I want on each system.

What I'll probably end up doing is telling my parents I want one of the two and from there they will buy one.

Can someone answer my some what of a noob question, I know the 360 comes with HD cables does the ps3?
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I know at launch there was only composite cables with it, but I think the new one comes standard with HDMI now, as well. I'll double check on that.

EDIT: Nope, according to amazon, HDMI cables are still sold seperately.
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FWELR said:
I know at launch there was only composite cables with it, but I think the new one comes standard with HDMI now, as well. I'll double check on that.

EDIT: Nope, according to amazon, HDMI cables are still sold seperately.

Alright thanks. Have some rep.
if it's fps you like, ps3 has some right around the corner. like shiftfallout said, warhawk is already out. very addicting game. resistance is also a solid game, especially for a launch title. upcoming are call of duty 4, half life orange box, haze, unreal tournament 3... resistance: fall of man supposedly has a sequel coming out in the future as well, called resistance: rise of man... if you see what insomniac did with ratchet and clank future tools of destruction, you just have to wonder how much further they'll be able to push the ps3
flip a coin, if your disappointed witht he outcome, even slightly, dont get it. ex:head=ps3, you flip tails and arent very happy w/outcome.

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