Iwata Says New Zelda Will be out by end of 2010

Wii News

Wii News Blog
Oct 10, 2009

Iwata Says New Zelda Will be out by end of 2010 -1.052010-01-06 13:45:34dascrowKotaku is reporting today that Nintendo president Satoru Iwata has been quoted in Japanese newspaper the Asahi Shimbun as saying that the new Legend of Zelda Wii game will be on sale by the end of 2010, presumably in Japan, with worldwide release dates to follow. In another interview, this one with Reuters, Iwata also addressed the thorny issue of the Wii’s recent sales slump, saying “I think it’s now safe to say the Wii has recovered from slowdown”. His upbeat attitude probably has a little something to do with the record-breaking US Wii sales figures just released by Nintendo for December 2009, with 3 million Wiis shifted, a massive increase from 2.14 million sold in December 2008. However, even with such staggering figures, Iwata came across as more cautiously optimistic than bullish, telling Reuters “I’m not sure if it’s prudent to use words like revival and recovery lightly before making absolutely certain we can maintain this momentum.”
I have to wait a whole year! Looking forward to this new addition. If it's anything like TP, then i welcome it whole-heartedly.

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