Nintendo President Satoru Iwata Talks New Console and Nintendo’s Summer Plans for Wii

Wii News

Wii News Blog
Oct 10, 2009

Nintendo President Satoru Iwata gave a financial results briefing in Japan yesterday for the fiscal year ended March 2011, during which he referred to Nintendo’s newly announced successor to the Wii, and also outlined Nintendo’s summer plans for the current version of the Wii. As far as the new console is concerned, Iwata says that Nintendo will be showing it “in playable form” at E3 this June in Los Angeles, when the console’s specifications will also be revealed. “At E3, the company hopes to propose a new framework for a game system to be enjoyed at home,” he teased, not giving much away!

Iwata also made reference to the lack of any new Nintendo games for the Wii in recent months, with the exception of The Last Story, saying that this was down to Nintendo’s concentrating on the launch of the 3DS, rather than an indication that Nintendo had “given up making efforts on Wii.” Iwata added that the company would be releasing software titles every month from May to the end of the year, before mentioning several of them by name, such as Pandora’s Tower, out May 26 in Japan, and the remake of GoldenEye 007, due out in Japan in June. Also on the way, a new Kirby game and the one we’re all waiting for, Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword. Finally, Iwata had this to say to reassure Nintendo fans in Japan:

“Before the launch of the Wii successor, we will be aiming at creating other excitement for Wii in Japan, which has a large installed base of Wii hardware.”

Hopefully, they'll succeed. I'll make sure to be a strong supporter, and try my best to purchase alot of their new releases.
in Japan...
I know that this is completely off topic of the thread, but I couldn't help to notice your avatar. Dude, Kefka is epic, and he's my second favorite Final fantasy villain. Also, could you add me as a friend on your Wii? I need more friends.
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Well... They're abandoning the Wii rather quickly. Not that the profits will dry up any soon regardless, lol.

Skyward Sword is the only new Wii game I need regardless. :p

I know that this is completely off topic of the thread, but I couldn't help to notice your avatar. Dude, Kefka is epic, and he's my second favorite Final fantasy villain. Also, could you add me as a friend on your Wii? I need more friends.

Clearly your most favorite villain is Sephiroth. He's just a thousand times better than that magicite-abusing clown, after all.
Where've you been for the past year, Gpred? >_>;

Yes, WiiU=what Nintendo fans dubbed "Wii2" before we got the official name.
Of course they would be a bandonging the wii it isnt bloody hd and because of that other peopel would rather buy a PS3 of a xbox 360.
I truly think nintendo should do things in other reasons not only japan:(
Of course they would be a bandonging the wii it isnt bloody hd and because of that other peopel would rather buy a PS3 of a xbox 360.

... So, you're saying that people who enjoyed the Wii/didn't have the chance to buy one aren't going to buy a WiiU, because it's not HD?

Not every gamer is a graphics nut, bro. ._. I can sure as **** tell you I'd rather have a WiiU than a PS3 (WiiU over a 360 goes without saying :lol: ).

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