james bond q.o.s is actualy a good game


Mar 31, 2009
i remeber reading magazines reviews view pictures of our version of the game (wii owners) the reviews were negative and low scoring picture images worse.i was put of buying it.but at the start of the new year a friend told me to get it he said he rented it and it was possible the best shooter on wii when using the zapper.i wearnt having none of it.he persistantly told me over two weeks get it so when i attended gamestation to get a new game.not james bond.i couldt see any games that looked good i never had.so i got james bond on the sly. . .got home and started playing it and i enjoyed the game it started to enjoy it alot its up there with call of duty world at war multiplayer offline vs each other something call of duty needs and true its online it don't touch call of duty because of theres no unlockable online content bonus's etc but and this is a really big but it is still fun 12 online players during games. . .it's the modern warfare we did't get! frames ain't bad just minor problems and graphics or good in wii terms

if you have the game and enjoy it send me your friend code mine is:2278-2642-4714
user name: danger
be ready 2 lose
U knw Ive Been on the fence with this game, but uv convinced me to get it.
I didn't really care for the controls and the choppy framerate on this game. I do have to say though I played it all the way through and their was a certain level of 'fun' to the game. Haven't had much luck on the multiplayer though, out of 4 attempts to play online, I only successfully completed 1, the other 3 times I lost connection to the server.
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I didn't really care for the controls and the choppy framerate on this game. I do have to say though I played it all the way through and their was a certain level of 'fun' to the game. Haven't had much luck on the multiplayer though, out of 4 attempts to play online, I only successfully completed 1, the other 3 times I lost connection to the server.

i dnt av tht problem its fine 4 me
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no friend code fore james bond?
friend code:2278 2642 4714
user name: Danger

send me yours and add me
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console name: danger
friend code:8451120490861857
add me whats yours?
Wii FC/ Wii Speak

addin u today. I recommend onslaught too if u dont have it already.
U were right Danger, this is a good game. Reviewrs dont know Sh*t. My friend code is in my signature for all my online games.