Just a thing I made


Aug 6, 2006
so i was thinking Fidel Castro cause hes on my shirt and hwo he created a revolution so i went in paint and sure its not photoshop quality but i think its cool!


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i like him, i liked the movie motorcycle diaries, thats what got me into him
Sovieto said:
i like him, i liked the movie motorcycle diaries, thats what got me into him

Yeah, Fidel is awesome. Unfortuantely the American Governement has done so much to tarnish his image average kids today see him more as an enemy. Too bad, he almost had the ability to change the world at one point.
i hav nothing against castro. anyway cool pick!! its kinda like those mario/communist links. btw i love mario more then anything
NeMeZyZ said:
i got photo impact (better than photo shop in my opinion) what u doing wearing a fidel castro shirt

Nothings better than photoshop believe me,btw, I like your creation, it just needs to be bigger...I'm amazed you were able to do that in paint.
Sry guys, don't like Fidel ^_^' It's a very creative pic nonetheless, I don't judge pics, sigs etc. based on wut I like, I base it on how much creativity was put into it.
It makes me think of that poster "we want you to join the army" or whatever it was, maybe some should make a mock-up up of it "Wii want you to join the revoloution"

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