Just noticed something...


The one and only
Jul 2, 2006
Wii Online Code
Just noticed something whilst watching the LoZ:TP preview the symbol in the forest temple doors is exactly the same as the symbol on the deku sheild in OoT. Maybe link visit the Kokiri forest on his journeys in TP hmmmm...
Or maybe there just using the same symbol cause it looks cool hmmmm....

Heres a pic:
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must just be using cause it looks cool then
never played wind waker much only at my friends place
Interesting, I didn't notice that at all.(it's very subtle) Didn't notice it in WW either, where do they use it in that one?

The symbol's probably one they just feel like using I guess...
ssbb_lover said:
Interesting, I didn't notice that at all.(it's very subtle) Didn't notice it in WW either, where do they use it in that one?

The symbol's probably one they just feel like using I guess...

The forbidden forest. And it makes sense since it was where the koriki used to live.
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They must just be using the same symbols becasue I saw in another video the goron symbol the paw thing on door that lead to a fire boss maybe that could be the fire temple
maybe just maybe.....because its the symbol that represents the forest......i mean you do find the deku shield in the forest......and every time u guys have seen the symbol its been in a forest....

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