Leipzig Games Convention 2006 getting ready


Apr 30, 2006
News is a little slow this weekend, so here's a few pics showing the building of the stages for this years LG Convention.

Just a few behind the scenes snaps, sadly no secret revelations yet.. checkout the building of the Nintendo booth...

Anyone getting excited yet? :p

source via Joystiq
I for one am getting excited!! I seriously hope they release a bit of new info about the Wii on tuesday. Especially the price and the release date, and any more hardware functions.

As for the photos, it looks like all the stages are coming along. The 360 one looks nice, but I'm sure Nintendo's will succeed it once done :p
KuRaNiMo said:
I for one am getting excited!! I seriously hope they release a bit of new info about the Wii on tuesday. Especially the price and the release date, and any more hardware functions.

As for the photos, it looks like all the stages are coming along. The 360 one looks nice, but I'm sure Nintendo's will succeed it once done :p

I think Nintendo was clear in saying that will know the price and release date by September. Wait BY SEPTEMBER!!! So there is hope that we'll know on the 23rd. What we do know is that they'll be revealing 5 new Wii games that weren't @ E3.
Yeah it was by September, so I'm pretty sure it's gonna be on the 23rd. Especially because of the name of the Press Conference: "Wii prove our promise"
in touch with the wii said:
yeasssssssssss im gonna get to preorder berfore the start of school :D :D :D

Haha yeah. I'm going straight out to pre-order mine the second I can.
I heard the nintendo conference is at 10:15 am in germany on the 22nd, the press day, that makes it 4:15 in the morning so I should hopefully know before I goto work and be able to preorder it on my way either to work or home from work, that would be awesome!!
Wow... its just amazing... but I have a question:

What are all those boxes that says FatBoy in the nintendo stage there? and what are they for?
Do you think they contain all the secrets of the wii?
Release date given 23ard...about 3 months before the launch probally..Wii proove our Promise, gamestop is starting to take reserves towards the end of August, yup, it all falls together!!!

I bet 10 Replies that they will give away either the Release date or Price!
ghghgh14702 said:
I heard the nintendo conference is at 10:15 am in germany on the 22nd, the press day, that makes it 4:15 in the morning so I should hopefully know before I goto work and be able to preorder it on my way either to work or home from work, that would be awesome!!

That means it will be 1....2....3...4...5....6... 6:15pm in Australia yay I won't be at school nor will i be asleep unless of course I've converted the times wrong
no deity link your right i converted it aswell so yeah yay for us aussie befoer i go to sleep i wil proabaly know but that is if people give info quickly

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