
ThatGuy127 said:
No it's not, I mean, unless it starts the sentence.
You're both wrong. The correct way to say it is internets. Our fine president even said so.

anyways... I haven't even heard of this game? Anybody got some info on it?
Homesrfan said:
You're both wrong. The correct way to say it is internets. Our fine president even said so.

Erm... No.

It is Internet regardless of where it is the sentence. Much like when you write someones name in a sentence.

Taken : Internet - Definitions from Dictionary.com

"While the web (primarily in the form of HTML and HTTP) is the best known aspect of the Internet, there are many other protocols in use, supporting applications such as electronic mail, Usenet, chat, remote login, and file transfer."

Note the capital I.
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Homesrfan was just taking the piss wasn't he? atleast i was under that impression. but if he wasn't then that post was slightly worrying lol. i agree that if your gunna spell it "ma" you may aswell write "my" and not look like a bit of a twat but who cares really? aslong as you can understand what he's saying does it really matter? theres a time & a place for correct english... & i believe an online gaming forum is not the place :D don't loose sleep over it.

p.s: Taero, poor spelling doesn't make someone a retard, i know people who are attrocious at spelling but they can paint a ****ing masterpiece or can write beautiful music so lets try and be a little less ignorant & anal shall we?
Haz said:
Erm... No.

It is Internet regardless of where it is th sentence. Much like when you write someones name in a sentence.

Taken : Internet - Definitions from Dictionary.com

"While the web (primarily in the form of HTML and HTTP) is the best known aspect of the Internet, there are many other protocols in use, supporting applications such as electronic mail, Usenet, chat, remote login, and file transfer."

Not the capital I.

Yeh hes right, the other two people that were saying its internet or internets are just dumasses.
ummm you guys are all talking about this like it's the normal thing to do.... but as for me... (can you guys explain to me what lost is?) because i'm LOST!
Lost is that show thats on C4 (if your in the UK... which I now see your not lol, umm could be on NBC in the US?) about some plane that crashed, all the survivors are now stranded on some island where wierd **** keeps happening. Its very successful with the main hook being every episode ends on a cliff hanger. The game could go either way but I'm guessing it won't be too good, just a rushed game trying to tap into the current success of the TV show. However, i hope it does come out on the Wii though, possibly bringing with it a new audience of people who love the show but don't know much about gaming as the Wii is very accessible & simple to pick up. More profits for Nintendo can only be a good thing for us Wii owners :D
Let me get this straight, your from America and you dont know what Lost is? :lol: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Funniest thing EVER!
lol i admit i found it pretty odd you didn't know what Lost was... unless you just got confused by the name or something? Lost is pretty huge here & i can only imagine its even bigger in America?
Yeah, how do you not know what LOST is (I realize it's not all caps (as some will complain))? And 'all_eyez,' its' on ABC... I don't think the game will be that good, but the show is.

PS super smash bro... I don't think your current sig is from Wiired.... Unless he owns filelodge.com
If you're going to do it . . . do it right.

Taero said:
Mhmm just wanted to say, posting ambiguous thread titles and following them with multiple punctuation is not a mature way to carry yourself about the thread.


Why use "Mhmm" instead of the word I? Also you followed, "I just wanted to say" with a comma. In my opinion, you should have written the sentence as follows: I just want to say one thing: posting ambiguous . . .

I'm not even going to address the remainder of that sentence. Although I am able to follow the gist of what you were attempting to say, it wasn't particularly well written.

I can't help myself. "Multiple punctuation" should be multiple punctuations.

Taero said:
Also writing 'ma' is just disrespectful to english T_T, I mean come ON, BD I'll allow if you were very very lazy but 'my' has the same number of letters! Heck if you're ''street'' and type how you talk then by all means but I don't think you're keeping it real on an internet gaming forum.

People in the world are defined by their regional dialects. Gary Oldman used "ma" in "The Fifth Element." It was wonderful.

You wrote "english" without a capital E. This is wrong.

Why write "very very?" This is incorrect.

The rest of this paragraph . . . it scares me. You have liberally substituted commas for periods. It is one continuous run-on sentence. Some run-on sentences are better than others. Yours isn't very impressive.

Taero said:
To keep on topic no, in my trawls around the internet forums and chatrooms I haven't yet seen a legitimate post about this inane and boring show being made into a computer game (nor any non legitimate posts either).

You might have considered writing a cleaner response: keeping on topic, the answer is no. In my trawls around Internet forums and chat rooms, I haven't . . . .

Nice use of trawl in your sentence. It is a nice metaphor. Other than that, you are using your favorite run-on technique.

You wrote "chatrooms." You should have written chat rooms.

Also, you should capitalize Internet (I believe this has been mentioned).

Taero said:
In conclusion, a)Please try and write with a modicum of grammar and spelling, yes I know this is the internet but I'm sure you don't write like that in school so why does a persons IQ drop to retarded when they come online and b)I think this is just a will o' the wisp for now.

You wrote "persons." This should be person's.

Once again you are substituting commas for periods. This is, once again, a terrible run-on sentence. At least try and disguise this mistake with some grace.

I suggest the book, "The Elements of Style" by William Strunk Jr. and E. B. White. Numerous established authors use this book (Stephen King).

You seem to have a few pretty words in your vocabulary. Suggesting to someone else to "write with a modicum of grammar and spelling" without applying your suggestion to your own post is foolish.

In conclusion, I haven't even broken the surface concerning the mistakes included within your post. I'm just too lazy. This doesn't mean that they aren't there.

Your writing is poor. If you're going to attempt to belittle someone, do it right.


Jeremy D.
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