LoZ:TP Rating

It's Legend of Zelda, not Resident Evil. It is supposed to be a kid friendly game, at least for kids that are 8-10 at least. I think it would be dumb to alienate that age group from this franchise. I look forward to this game for two reasons: this series is always a great game (even majora's mask) and the second reason is nostalgia. I remember playing these games as a kid. The games are already too complex for kids under 8 or 10, which i dont mind all that much - but they dont need to fill them up with violence - Im fine with my enemies flashing red after I hit them instead of spurting blood - thats the way its always been. I dont play this game for gore or for adult situations, and anyone who wants it to go that way should be slapped
I dont think its going to be rated as Mature, I think its betetr for LoZ to be rated as E of Everyone
phiggey said:
It's Legend of Zelda, not Resident Evil. It is supposed to be a kid friendly game, at least for kids that are 8-10 at least. I think it would be dumb to alienate that age group from this franchise. I look forward to this game for two reasons: this series is always a great game (even majora's mask) and the second reason is nostalgia. I remember playing these games as a kid. The games are already too complex for kids under 8 or 10, which i dont mind all that much - but they dont need to fill them up with violence - Im fine with my enemies flashing red after I hit them instead of spurting blood - thats the way its always been. I dont play this game for gore or for adult situations, and anyone who wants it to go that way should be slapped

i think it would be great if it was rated T for a change. it would be better if blood wasnt everywhere but they said it would be T because it was going to be dark. that would also interest other people who think nintendo is just for kids
It should be rated Teen because it just doesn't make since, the graphics r going to be the most realistic ever, Link hacs down his enemies and it just looks Teen material. It would actually be a dissapointment to me if they rated it E 4 everyone.
Even as you look at the boss battle in the demo, it just looks darker than the other games. With the change to link, the way hes constructed, it looks as though it's going to be rated T for teen.
Better be Teen. I want some mature games on this console. You need mature stuff. Mario and Pikachu can only last so long, then you need your darker adventure games.

- Scythe
lol "Mario helps Bowser kidnap Princess Peach" or "Pikachu joins Team Rocket in crime." that would be great fun!
Either way it'll be teen in Australia the people that rate it over here are pretty tough of violence of any sort..

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