Mario Kamehameha in SSBB?


New Wii owner!
May 15, 2006
East Coast, USA
Wii Online Code
Mario has a new giant Kamehameha move? Check it out!
Isn't this in the video...i and many other people believe there will be special moves in this game such as Zelda's sword combo thingy. so cool
i would really like to see snake's special move lol.

reallly wierd...any suggestions or ideas?
vejiku said:
i would really like to see snake's special move lol.

reallly wierd...any suggestions or ideas?

Make's like 50 boxes and he is under one, but there are Raiden's underneath the others, and if an opponet attacks a Raiden one.... they all get shot A LOT

Super Moves Confirmed:
Mario's 'Supa Fire Ball'
Link's 'Tri Force Power'
Wario's 'Atomic Fart'
Snake Will probably be the best character of that game!...but they said they are still keeping some secret...and...theres still some hardware secrets...Mysterious Nintendo you!
gnikgib said:
Mario has a new giant Kamehameha move? Check it out!

I wonder if they will give a new move for all the character they have from past games.
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It'd be cool, if it wasn't just Snake. Like, a different costume would make him have an eyepatch, and woodland camoflauge. Since Snake and Big Boss already look the same, they could mix Big Boss and Solid Snake moves into one character. Like, for a downward throw for example: Snake, or you could pick a "Big Boss" suit (or colors, like in the old game where you could colorize Mario as Wario) and when he grabs the enemy, he hits them once in the ribs, grasps the side of their neck, and simply sweeps them off of their feet to the ground. If you didn't understand that, you're not a rabid MGS fan.
Atomsk said:
It'd be cool, if it wasn't just Snake. Like, a different costume would make him have an eyepatch, and woodland camoflauge. Since Snake and Big Boss already look the same, they could mix Big Boss and Solid Snake moves into one character. Like, for a downward throw for example: Snake, or you could pick a "Big Boss" suit (or colors, like in the old game where you could colorize Mario as Wario) and when he grabs the enemy, he hits them once in the ribs, grasps the side of their neck, and simply sweeps them off of their feet to the ground. If you didn't understand that, you're not a rabid MGS fan.
LOL that would pwn all
Atomsk said:
It'd be cool, if it wasn't just Snake. Like, a different costume would make him have an eyepatch, and woodland camoflauge. Since Snake and Big Boss already look the same, they could mix Big Boss and Solid Snake moves into one character. Like, for a downward throw for example: Snake, or you could pick a "Big Boss" suit (or colors, like in the old game where you could colorize Mario as Wario) and when he grabs the enemy, he hits them once in the ribs, grasps the side of their neck, and simply sweeps them off of their feet to the ground. If you didn't understand that, you're not a rabid MGS fan.

Lol two characters in one? It would be a great idea.
Haha, that does look a bit over the top... but then again, most of the other SSB characters seem a lot stronger than Mario.

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