Mario v Zelda


WiiChat Member
Sep 4, 2006
I dont know whether i should get TLOZ:TP or SMG !
Which one will be better and what are the advantages and disadvantages of them ???
Thanks for your help !
Nintendo 13
I would get both. Super mario Galaxy wont be out till next year sometime, where as zelda is out on launch. So i advice you get Zelda now, and then mario when that comes out. both are no doubt going to be great games.
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chessaholic said:
I would get both. Super mario Galaxy wont be out till next year sometime, where as zelda is out on launch. So i advice you get Zelda now, and then mario when that comes out. both are no doubt going to be great games.
I would do that but i want to get wii play , excitetruck and mario strikers charged as well and if i get them then i only have enough money left for SMG or TLOZ:TP
I would recommend doing what my friend will be doing: Buy games one at a time. When you beat a game or feel that you've played enough, get another one. that way, you won't be overwhelmed with too many choices (especially with the new controller) and you won't have half finished games lying around
Get Both, don't get wii play, and save for next year to buy SMG, and before (at launch) buy zelda and that's it...
get TP and Excite truck and save ur money for SMG and strikers cause they both dont come out till the new year
Zelda. It's not even a choice in my book. Zelda will keep you happy and entertained for much longer than SMG. When you finish Zelda (good luck) you can get SMG... but I'm not sure when that is coming out.
COLDshiver said:
I would recommend doing what my friend will be doing: Buy games one at a time. When you beat a game or feel that you've played enough, get another one. that way, you won't be overwhelmed with too many choices (especially with the new controller) and you won't have half finished games lying around
or you can join a site like Game Fly
sites like that are good pay like $15 for 1 game a month, that you can rent the game for as long as you want so beat that game and then put back in prepaid envelope and put in your nearest mail box and when they get it back they will ship the next game

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