memory card at launch?

Jun 5, 2006
oops... forgot
Wii Online Code
ok here's the thing. i know something like this maby has been posted already but idon't understand the ansvers and even not the question.. and i'm sorry but this is a really easy question.

if the only game i buy at launch is twilight princess. will i have to buy a memory card to save the game? or is there any memory in the package?
like inside the wii... thanks..
Well it all depends on how much VC games are.. if they're a couple of quid il buy the card and buy loads :D but if they're like £10 then i'll buy a couple maybe.. and won't need the card
hey heres another question i've been meaning to ask.. will the nunchaku attachment be in the box?
Even if you do use up the 512 on board and need a card - its something like 20 bucks for a very good card - so you could really get one for less than that if you didnt care about things like write speed and if you dont need over a gig.
I think the Wii should come with at least one SD card. 512 MB is not a lot of space to store loads of VC games and game saves.

amon140 said:
hey heres another question i've been meaning to ask.. will the nunchaku attachment be in the box?

Some games require it, so I hope it comes with the console.

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