Metroid Prime 3, may have Multiplayer for download:


Yay I'm dead!
Jul 21, 2006
Over the Stars

Lets hope this becomes a reality! Even though I wasnt quite fond of MP2's multiplayer, I would like to see a second attempt at making a good multiplayer for Metroid, plus there could be a good chance it will have Wi-Fi capabilities! Well thats all for now!

i was very excited that MP2 was going to be multi-player when i first heard about it but then when i played it it was very lacking. i definately hope they can improve on their mistakes from MP2.
I really hope this becomes reality. Because then the Prime series will dominate the Halo series. Hahaha! There will be online play and a great 1 Player mode!
TMRevolution said:
I really hope this becomes reality. Because then the Prime series will dominate the Halo series. Hahaha! There will be online play and a great 1 Player mode!

You obviously haven't played much Halo. It's got both a great story and online multiplayer.

However, I do hope they make a downloadable multiplayer mode for Metroid Prime 3 and improve it over MP2's multiplayer, especially now that we will have use of the wiimote and nunchuk.

In some of the Metroid trailers, you can motion forward with the nunchuk and grab an enemies sheild and then pull back and it yanks it away from them, allowing you to unload some missiles.:lol:
archie said:
i think its photoshopped the picture, i dunno...
Nah, its a magazine scan I think.

Why does it need to be dowloadable? Why not make it already on the game?
I've read about MP3 multiplayer in an IGN interview a few weeks/months ago. They then said they were 'thinking' about it.

I think is really cool how they A. listen to gamers who want multiplayer badly and B. it seems fairly easy to add it. Red Steel is doing it I think and there is a good chance MP3 will have multiplayer too. I was afraid Wii games, especially launch-window games, wouldn't concentrate on multiplayer but I'm glad to see that multiplayer is getting more and more attention. I hope that they will make it all possible through wifi but they may also just be talking about split-screen multiplayer.
chould that be why it was pushed bock to 2007.maybe they are adding a multiplayer mode similer to mp-hunters?also i thick red steel may have downloadible multiplayer in the future maybe online.

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