My thoughts on The Conduit


WiiChat Member
Dec 28, 2007
As you all know The Conduit is a first person shooter that is developed by High Voltage Software and published by Sega and it's coming out tomorrow in the USA. When I first saw The Conduit when IGN announced it I thought that HVS is doing a really good thing. A lot of developers just give up on the Wii. They think the Wii isn't powerful enough to handle good graphics or handle more of the powerful games on the market. High Voltage Software is not known to make shooters. They usually just make license games.

The Conduit just look really generic. If it was released on the PS3, 360, or the PC it would not stand out as one of the top shooters on the system. Since the Wii has almost no first person shooters on their system it is almost already guaranteed to be the best first person shooter on the Wii.

I think we should all give a hand to High Voltage Software. All the developers were afraid to make a Wii shooter because it won't sell well. At lest High Voltage Software is trying. They are even going to make The Grinder, and Gladiator A.D for the Wii. I hope that developers will look at The Conduit and come out of the shadows and even make a better first person shooter on the Wii.

I'm still a little hesitant on buying this. I own a Wii, a PS3, and a PSP. I have a lot of first person shooters on the PS3 that I enjoy a lot and I have shooters on the PSP I play. The Conduit just doesn't look as good as any PS3 shooter or PSP shooter I own. The Conduits Campaign is supposed to be about six hours. I'm not complaining about that because most first person shooter Campaigns are about that. Once I beat the Campaign I need more than a Campaign. Does it have any extra things that would make you come back to play more? Or will you just play the campaign and not touch it again?

Most of you are excited about The Conduit because of the online. When I watched The Conduit online trailers I have to admit it did look pretty fun. I have so many online shooters on other consoles. What would make The Conduits online any better then other shooters.

Still I want to buy The Conduit because it other developers see that it's selling well they will also make better shooters on the Wii then The Conduit. The graphics look good. The game looks like a lot of fun. The Conduit isn't just a video game for the Wii that you are all hyped up for. It's the turning point of whether developers make more shooters or leave the Wii alone like they usually do.
I already ordered my copy of the I'm a happy camper.
I own a wii, and wii only. Yah it sucks. Im not going to buy a 360. My computer sucks, so it cant handle any more new games. So, for those like me, The Conduit is a new beginning. If I had another system, I wouldnt be on this site =]

EDIT: If you get hooked into the story, you might go back to find the hidden things and learn more about it if you get hooked. Plus, harder difficulties. I hear the AI enemys are pretty smart, so on a harder difficulty, its going to take more than six hours to beat it on all modes.
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The wiimote is a lot funner on big HDTVs. More aiming space so it really feels like you're shooting something in real life. Compared to analog sticks or a mouse, you don't feel like you're shooting something at all. It's more like you're using a controller to control yourself in the video game.
The Conduit just look really generic. If it was released on the PS3, 360, or the PC it would not stand out as one of the top shooters on the system. Since the Wii has almost no first person shooters on their system it is almost already guaranteed to be the best first person shooter on the Wii.

The Conduit isn't just a video game for the Wii that you are all hyped up for. It's the turning point of whether developers make more shooters or leave the Wii alone like they usually do.

I agree. The Conduit does look like a generic FPS and it is only the lack of decent FPS on Wii that makes it stand out. I'll still be buying it because I like the Wii controls (I'll never play FPS on 360 because I dislike analogue, so for me it's PC or Wii for FPS).

It is really strange as FPS' on Wii should actually be better than on 360/PS3 because of the IR pointer, yet very few devs have managed to produce anything decent (MP3, MOH: Heroes 2, COD: WAW being the only ones).

At least with The Conduit, Metroid Prime Trilogy (more FPA though) and Red Steel 2 releasing there will be a little bit of variety.
yeah i think shooting on ps3, ps2 and ps1, x-box and 360 feels weird for shooter games . love the new way to play on wii. just point and shoot.
I own a wii, and wii only. Yah it sucks. Im not going to buy a 360. My computer sucks, so it cant handle any more new games. So, for those like me, The Conduit is a new beginning. If I had another system, I wouldnt be on this site =]

EDIT: If you get hooked into the story, you might go back to find the hidden things and learn more about it if you get hooked. Plus, harder difficulties. I hear the AI enemys are pretty smart, so on a harder difficulty, its going to take more than six hours to beat it on all modes.

i also own a wii and only a wii, some games suck but still look at HOTD Overkill how nicely that came out.
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I own a wii, and wii only. Yah it sucks. Im not going to buy a 360. My computer sucks, so it cant handle any more new games. So, for those like me, The Conduit is a new beginning. If I had another system, I wouldnt be on this site =]

EDIT: If you get hooked into the story, you might go back to find the hidden things and learn more about it if you get hooked. Plus, harder difficulties. I hear the AI enemys are pretty smart, so on a harder difficulty, its going to take more than six hours to beat it on all modes.

There is hidden things in the game? Thats pretty cool. Of course there is harder difficulties in the game, but to keep me busy on the campaign there has to be plenty of hidden stuff to find and discover. Of course there is online too, which looks pretty fun. I may buy The Conduit eventually. I just got Tiger Woods PGA 10 so I'm a little short on money right now.
I agree. The Conduit does look like a generic FPS and it is only the lack of decent FPS on Wii that makes it stand out. I'll still be buying it because I like the Wii controls (I'll never play FPS on 360 because I dislike analogue, so for me it's PC or Wii for FPS).

It is really strange as FPS' on Wii should actually be better than on 360/PS3 because of the IR pointer, yet very few devs have managed to produce anything decent (MP3, MOH: Heroes 2, COD: WAW being the only ones).

At least with The Conduit, Metroid Prime Trilogy (more FPA though) and Red Steel 2 releasing there will be a little bit of variety.

I agree with all of this.

Its "looks" generic but thats only the looks. I like graphics just as much as the next guy but its all about controls to me. DA blows, its that simple. I can see this game being the best FPS on the Wii. Thats a powerful statement to me because DA kills FPS's for me. It dosent make them harder to play or put me at a dis-advantage, its KILLS them for me.:yesnod:

With that said i do have a good PC. I play games like CS, L4d and CoD4. Mouse and keyboard rule.

But i am excited to play a FPS with the Wii controls. Also HVS put a TON of work into making the controls as customizable as possible. I mean theres nothing you cant change ( Turning speed ). They have takin there job of making a first class FPS for the Wii very seriously. This is the kind of company i wanna give my $50 to.
i dont think i can really say anything about this game yet since i havent played it, it isnt out, and it doesnt have a metacritic score. i think this is a more appropriate discussion to have in a few weeks when we have had a chance to see if the game is really good. im sure if xbox 360 or ps3 had the conduit coming to it...and a wii zapper to boot, all xbox 360 and ps3 fans would be lining up to pick it up. i have a 360 and on every 360 forum, everyone requests a gun for fps's all the time

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