Naruto Trivia

I havn't watched Naruto, I vaguely know of it, but I've never seen it... But I do know monsters...

Orochi or "Yamata no Orochi" is the japanese Hydra. "Muru" on the other hand... my japanese isn't that good. I know Maro means I/You and Musha means warrior and musu means to steam and miru means to look after.

So from Orochi and Miru (which is similar to muru, and makes sense...) I guess orochimuru looks after the orochi. So I guess he/she/it/they are one of three groups/people that care for/look after demons.
Hes one of The legendary Sannin and other two are Tsunade and Jiraiya.

I can ask next one =).

Who was allso known as "Yellow flash"?
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I'm guessing you mean Uchiha Sasuke and in that case episode 3 in anime if you don't count opening and ending.

Btw aren't you being a bit elitistic about my thread thingy?
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I created the thread so just anwer the questions tell you what when I get off which will acually be after this post post some questions but Ill be back tommorw

Who is the only person in Naruto who is able to do Charka Signs using 1 hand?
Person looking for right answer should just remove lord from ops name and if you really insist then have it your way then I have no wish to pick quarrel over such thing.
Leviathan said:
I havn't watched Naruto, I vaguely know of it, but I've never seen it... But I do know monsters...

Orochi or "Yamata no Orochi" is the japanese Hydra. "Muru" on the other hand... my japanese isn't that good. I know Maro means I/You and Musha means warrior and musu means to steam and miru means to look after.

So from Orochi and Miru (which is similar to muru, and makes sense...) I guess orochimuru looks after the orochi. So I guess he/she/it/they are one of three groups/people that care for/look after demons.

haha nice! you are right he is one of three people who summons Deamons. they dont nececarily look after them but they (Orichaumuru, tsunade, and Jyraia) summon each A Giant snake, Slug, Frog respectively.

now to the question. The only person who can do Chakra signs using one hand is... omg i belive this is from early in the show like season one... i think.... um ^_^; my guess is.... Zabuza?

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