need suggestions for games based on Zelda play


WiiChat Member
Nov 26, 2011
Portsmouth, VA
I love love love the Legend of Zelda games. Zelda 3 was probably my all time favorite game and Twilight Princess was a favorite for the wii.
Are there any other games for wii (not the downloadable ones) that play in a similar fashion to Zelda: Twilight Princess?
hmm what was zelda 3???? super nintendo right?

you could get the OLD Gamecube compilation disc, and also Windwaker just make sure to get a gamecube controller first.

Personally I found Okami much more fun than twilight princess, it has some similarities in puzzles but a much more interesting story. Could be fairly easy to pick up on the used market as the two above are as well.
Seconding Wind Waker (if you haven't played it already) and Okami; Okami certainly has some similarities in gameplay to Zelda and is a fantastic game to boot.

If you own a PS3 or 360, I'd pseudo-recommend Darksiders. I've been told a lot of times it's got a similar feel to Zelda, but with brutal combat akin to God of War. Can't recommend it personally since I've yet to play it, though.
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Thanks SSBfreakCK and Skidmarkx- I'm only looking for wii games - I've been disappointed in the older games made to work on wii. Okami looks interesting! Thanks for that suggestion :)

What about Maramasa: Demon Sword or Lost in Shadow?

Yes Skidmarkz - Zelda 3 was Super Nintendo - I loved that old system :) In fact, I still have it LOL.
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