Mario Fanatic
here's my Twilight princess review (please no anger)
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 9.5
Platform: Wii
Created by: Nintendo
Now don’t start sending me stupid E-Mails because Twilight Princess isn’t getting a 10.0. I’m not a big Zelda fan. All of you Zelda fans have waited many years for Twilight Princess to be released, but the game is saying “I’m sorry I am late, but you’ll see that I am worth the wait.” Twilight Princess is not only the most anticipated game ever, it has all the key ingredients for a classic Zelda game. Great storyline, Epic adventure, and the classic Zelda weapons like the Master Sword and the Hero’s Bow. The Zelda creators have gave Link a more “mature” look. You are Link and starting at Ordon village as a goat herder and you teach the young kids how to use a wooden sword and a slingshot. Then trouble erupts as you enter the Twilight Zone and the Twilight Zone transforms you into a wolf. You turn into an epic adventure and go throughout Hyrule and set off through the storyline. You go from The Goron Mines, to Lakebed Temple, and to The City in the Sky. I have not beaten the game but there are some problems. For one your Wolf’s ability’s never improve, and the original Legend of Zelda music is not in there! There is also the fishing which is fun, but whatever fish you catch doesn’t go into your fish log. Also some of the puzzles are right next to you but you don’t notice them. Don’t get me wrong, puzzles in Zelda games add to the fun, but some of these puzzles are right under you but you won’t see it for a while. Twilight Princess is a good game, but not the best
The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess: 9.5
Platform: Wii
Created by: Nintendo
Now don’t start sending me stupid E-Mails because Twilight Princess isn’t getting a 10.0. I’m not a big Zelda fan. All of you Zelda fans have waited many years for Twilight Princess to be released, but the game is saying “I’m sorry I am late, but you’ll see that I am worth the wait.” Twilight Princess is not only the most anticipated game ever, it has all the key ingredients for a classic Zelda game. Great storyline, Epic adventure, and the classic Zelda weapons like the Master Sword and the Hero’s Bow. The Zelda creators have gave Link a more “mature” look. You are Link and starting at Ordon village as a goat herder and you teach the young kids how to use a wooden sword and a slingshot. Then trouble erupts as you enter the Twilight Zone and the Twilight Zone transforms you into a wolf. You turn into an epic adventure and go throughout Hyrule and set off through the storyline. You go from The Goron Mines, to Lakebed Temple, and to The City in the Sky. I have not beaten the game but there are some problems. For one your Wolf’s ability’s never improve, and the original Legend of Zelda music is not in there! There is also the fishing which is fun, but whatever fish you catch doesn’t go into your fish log. Also some of the puzzles are right next to you but you don’t notice them. Don’t get me wrong, puzzles in Zelda games add to the fun, but some of these puzzles are right under you but you won’t see it for a while. Twilight Princess is a good game, but not the best