Zelda needs to retain the twilight princess image


Jul 11, 2007
In my opinion, the image of Zelda and the locations and Link and just about everything about Twilight Princess was the best i've seen from any Zelda game. I would absolutely HATE another game that looked like Wind Waker. I don't want to play a cartoon, I wanna look serious and doing some serious butt-kicking while i'm looking good. *sheen*

Link looked his best in Twilight Princess and I think it should stay within the "seriousness" of image that was in TP for the next game.

What do you think?
well twilight pirncess was teh most mature zelda out of all of them, and they have been doing a lot of celda

hopefully the next zelda for the wii(maybe) is just like it, but i don't want it to be axactly the same, so maybe link will be older/younger than what he was in tp
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Mature is the word I was looking for. Twilight Princess got me into Zelda, and i'll be buying the next one if it looks anything like TP. I played Wind Waker a little, along with Ocarina of Time and they really didn't impress me as much as Twilight Princess. I've always been a brawler when it comes to adventure/RPG's. My girlfriend, who has been a Zelda fanatic since SNES, gets frustrated watching me play. "OMG You DO know you can just run past those enemies, right? You don't have to kill them!". But it makes me happy to kick butt on those types of games...which would explain why I like the new Spyro series so much. BRAWLERS FTW!

The best feeling in TP so far is knocking those rhino-riders on their butts going full speed. *shakes nunchuck*
Spyro said:
In my opinion, the image of Zelda and the locations and Link and just about everything about Twilight Princess was the best i've seen from any Zelda game. I would absolutely HATE another game that looked like Wind Waker. I don't want to play a cartoon, I wanna look serious and doing some serious butt-kicking while i'm looking good. *sheen*

Link looked his best in Twilight Princess and I think it should stay within the "seriousness" of image that was in TP for the next game.

What do you think?

I can agree with that, but look at the difference in Link from the Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker to The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. It's a huge difference. Giving that information, most people can conclude that there is no guarantee that Nintendo will keep Twilight Princess Link. There is a greater % chance that Link we be redone in the next Zelda game (maybe 3 years?) :confused:
They said that there will be a sequel to TP in an interview with one of the Nintendo reps(don't ask for a source, I heard it somewhere on G4). I loved Twilight and would love if they made all Zelda games like this.
Chase&Fred said:
They said that there will be a sequel to TP in an interview with one of the Nintendo reps(don't ask for a source, I heard it somewhere on G4). I loved Twilight and would love if they made all Zelda games like this.
That would be impressive. I just like Zelda games personally, the closer to the original in storyline the better! Twilight Princess is definitely one of the best.
For me there is only one thing that I missed in Zelda TP.
There were no characters that died. This would really improve the seriousity and in my opinion it gives away a lot more athmosphere. Why did Ilia survive? She looked sooo dead after she was hit by an arrow. But noooo she loses her memories. If she died the revenge aspect would be another addition to the whole save the princess story. But well, maybe revenge isn't a typical move that fits to Link's personality.
Why did Midna survive? She activated the super duper mega ultra helmet thingy when Link tried to stop her as he realised what she was about to do. This really looked like this was going to be the end. She was even crushed by Ganondorf. Well, at least he died... a bit... and there was white blood, too. Yeah... That's the way.

For me the story and the whole game was epic and awesome, but at some points it was also very predictable...
You wanna kick arse with style? Play DMC. There's your answer.
Bah DMC is too cheesy for me...
Twilight Princess is an awesome game for sure.
Clearly the sales of this game speak for themselves, but I would like to see this series move in a new direction. Just keep that story fresh, but keep the dungeon and boss styles, some more challenging bosses would be nice as well.
I am really not too bothered about the graphics as long as the gameplay is great. I mean, graphics matter, but I don't really mind Wind Waker's cell-shaded style. Plus, both games were excellent.
I dunno about you but ide like a zelda put into the future. but know the future is not sunny and in domes. Its dark and with pollution skyscrapers(in the game you can do a side quest to get rid of pollution or something), itd be dark, mature.
Are u kidding? wind waker link was the best link EVER *
he had so much expressions especially when he went up against a wall he would shift his eye brows in the direction he was going to
yes TP was an amazing game with HUGE maps (i especially liked how big hyrule castle was)
but i would much rather see windwaker link with a map that big

and besides Nintendo might do young link for its next game on the wii

*it's my opinion

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