New Boss: Metal Gear Rex


Aka The_Toilet_of_Doom :P
Aug 30, 2006
Boss: Metal Gear Rex

I made this thread about Metal Gear Rex because i would like it as a boss, i don't think he will be in SSBB.

Here are some pics of Rex:




Here's a video: Gear Rex

Metal Gear Rex info:

Metal Gear Rex, this unit was developed at Shadow Moses Island, made and designed for the army. This model changed the way the future models would be built. It was equipped with two 20 mm vulcan cannons on the sides of its head. On its knees are 3 rocket pods each on both knees, which can fire muiltiple missiles. On the under belly of the unit is the pulse laser, able to cut through most materials and objects. The most powerful weapon is the rail gun on its right arm, uses magnets to fire bullets and nuclear warheads at extremely high velocitys. This model was defeated by Solid Snake.

Company:Armstech Land Systems Department Dept.
Full Project Name:Metal Gear REX0023B
Type:Walking Battle Tank (WBT)
Crew:1 (Nose Cockpit)
[Armament]Machine Guns:2XG12.7 mm In The Nose (Covering 60 Arc To The Front)
Air Ordinance:3X Phalanga-F (AT-3 "Rain From Heaven") Radio-Guided Anti-Troop Missiles.
Rail Gun:18.5m Rail Gun (Special Ops Optimum Bombardment 422 "Widowmaker",Launch Tube:Standard (Conventional,Nuclear)
Laser:Armstech International V17 Vulcan Cannon Searing Laserstorm High Energy Cutter "Slice N Dice" (Covering 90 Arc [Classified])
Ammuntion:10.000X12.7mm,72 Phalange-F Reds,Laser Pro Pack,1X Cruise Agm-129 Acm
Length (Gun Forward):18.9m
Length (Hull):7.455mm Width:5.70m
Height (Gun Forward):12m
Height (Gun Up):13m
Weight (Combat):505,450kg
Power-To-Weight Ratio:450Hp/Ton Engine:Armstech Agm 4000 "Behemoth" [Classified]
Maximum Road Speed:140.777 km/h
Maximum Range:1.505km
Fuel Capacity:5.550Lit
Armor:[Classified] Armor (Type):Laminate/Steel
NBS System:Yes
Night Vision Equipment:Yes

Following inferior prototypes, Armstech industries and Kenneth Baker undertook original development from simulation data of laser nuclear fusion experiment equipment/weapon developed at the liberty laboratory in California. This was at the request of the U.S. Government.Assimilated test demonstrations have occured [Classified], but no real field test have been completed. Three field tests have been made and the launch of dummy warheads has been a success, and a fourth is needed before that a mech can be utilized in conflict. Technical information [Strictly Classified].It is known that the ministry of defense is locating launch data from the first three launches. Any subsequent testing is to be conducted via the CIA.

The rail gun is the Metal Gear REX's most important weapon. By using an inexpensive and light-weight new nuclear weapon made from recycling plutonium from dismantled warheads, a cheap nuclear missile can be launched from the rail gun mounted on the mobile walker unit (REX). This is set to revolutionize warfare both strategically and economically. Long distance low altitude nuclear attacks are now possible using REX, and this is a major selling point of the machine itself. Metal Gear REX is the first self-mobile nuclear launching device. REX project is a black project (The government will disavow any knowledge of it),much more confidential than any other secret projects in aerospace and military weapon industries. All further data is [Classified most secret].
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Okay MetroidZ and Wiired, every character, item or boss that i post, i will put the title with (fake) next to it but anyway didn't you like Rex.
many of us have those moments, when we think something is sooo cool at that time.

And then when you look back, those feelings you remembered would seem so alien to you, and then you get embarressed about it. :sick:

EDIT, i hate those kind of bosses, it really is no different to the 'others' :mad:
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oh, but i thought this forum was for real gossip and news, not made up stuff.

That belongs in the off-topic sections :p
yes, very very true

(fake) there is going to be a Kingdom Hearts game on the wii

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: wish that was true
Diomedes said:
yes, very very true

(fake) there is going to be a Kingdom Hearts game on the wii

:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: wish that was true
Plz dont even say that there wont be a kingdom hearts game on the wii, i no your right but hearing it just breaks my heart
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Your a really big fan of KH arent you but anyway, ganon to answer your question, i don't think it would matter just have Rex really far away shooting at you or have a really big level.
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wolf231 said:
Your a really big fan of KH arent you but anyway, ganon to answer your question, i don't think it would matter just have Rex really far away shooting at you or have a really big level.
if he is far then how do you hit him?

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