New Games Week of March 1


WiiChat Member
Jan 27, 2009
Only 3 games, but none of them should be shovelware...

Major League Baseball 2K9 - March 3 - $49.99

Major League Baseball 2K9 returns to the diamond with the most complete MLB experience available.

Sonic & The Black Knight - March 3 - $49.99

Sonic & The Black Knight brings Sonic into the world of Arthurian legend and offers the worlds most infamous blue hedgehog the chance to become a knight. Using the unique Wii control system, this exciting game will take advantage of both the Wii Remote and the Nunchuk to offer an interactive experience that any Sonic fans will love. Created by Sonic Team in Japan, this innovative game takes Sonic into a medieval world and arms him with a sword to aid in his effort to save the day. Sonic and the Black Knight will provide Sonic fans with an irresistible cast of characters and teach them all what it takes to be a true hero and the ultimate knight. With a series of missions taking place in stunning Arthurian-inspired locations, Sonic and the Black Knight promises to offer a fast-paced adventure that gamers of all ages will enjoy.

We Ski & Snowboard - March 3 - $39.99

Fresh powder, miles of pristine slopes and unstoppable winter fun drift onto Wii in this exciting, fun and feature-packed snowboarding and skiing sequel to the critically acclaimed Family Ski.
Baseball game looks good and the new Sonic game got decent reviews from what I've read.

Last title is borderline shovelware I'd say though.
Baseball game looks good and the new Sonic game got decent reviews from what I've read.

Last title is borderline shovelware I'd say though.

Both Sonic (8/10) and We Ski & Snowboard (7/10) have good pretty good reviews so far.

If anything I'd say that the Baseball is closer to shovelware, given that 2K have made minimal changes from the last game. Same graphics and no online = lazy.
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Sonic got a 3.9 from ign. Ouch. Matt reviewed it and loved the graphics and polish, but hated the gameplay. MLB 2K9 got a 6.4 from ign.

We Ski and Snowboard has a 71 on metacritic so that's pretty good.
Probably be gettin Sonic. Looks good from what I've seen.
Probably be gettin Sonic. Looks good from what I've seen.

I'm on the fence as well about this title. From my experience Sonic spin-off titles don't bode too well with my taste of games--save Sonic Spinball on the Genesis.
Sonic and the Black Knight looks decent, which is surprising given the hedgehog's last adventure into the mythical realm (Secret Rings was ab-so-lute-ly TERRIBLE). I'll probably rent it, at the very least.
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I'd still say Sonic looks the best. ign was overly harsh in their review of Sonic. IMO

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