New Smash Bros Brawl details


Apr 30, 2006
Like many others here i've been checking the official SBB website every Thursday for the latest character updates etc.

Meanwhile the official japanese website has been bombarded with all kinds of information by director Masahiro Sakurai.

Thanks to a member of the smash world forums we now have a translation for the information Sakurai has revealed.

Character Lineup:
Not all characters from the previous games will return. Any non-Nintendo character must have appeared on a Nintendo platform before; the tentative number of non-Nintendo characters is 1 or 2 (Snake not included). Our guess is that other character will come from one of Nintendo's closest third-party developers: Namco, Capcom, or Sega. Sakurai, noting that Smash Bros is popular worldwide, does not want the title to feature characters that are only popular in Japan (though given the success of Fire Emblem, that may change).

The speed of the game will be "moderated" (the translator guesses this means a slower pace). Every character's moves are being refined so that a player has "more freedom" in aerial combat. "This time, we'd like to stress easiness over the small details of combat, so overall it might become somewhat easier."

There are no plans for an online ranking system (although win-loss records might still be recorded). It does not seem that Sakurai is placing high priority on an online system.

Sources: +
Dude when i read your tricked out sentence my brain feels siegfried. Learn some grammer please. (I love mario too though, and im a boy)
I believe he meant doesnt, because the quote he took above said that it won't have heavy online structure.
I just hope you don't have Friend codes.
To be honest I hate Animal Crossing WW because of the friend codes.

Nevertheless Nintendo knows what they're doing.
_-Darkfear-_ said:
I just hope you don't have Friend codes.
To be honest I hate Animal Crossing WW because of the friend codes.

Nevertheless Nintendo knows what they're doing.
The reason why there are freind codes in AC: WW is so that some random stranger can't walk into your town and chop down all your trees.

I hope Nintendo keep freind codes so you can play your freinds but I also hope all the online games have a rival system simular to that of MP:H so you can play strangers you meet whilst playing online.

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