Super Smash Bros. 3DS


WiiChat Member
Mar 5, 2012
New Mexico
Alright well wat can i say! lol Sakurai announced at the 2011 E3 that the next super smash would be coming out for both the wii u and the 3ds! i was pretty shocked and very stoked to see super smash moved to a hand held system AM I RIGHT? it just gets better because sakurai says the gameplay of the series is going to get a dramastic change which is very exciting! its gonna keep the series strong and unique!
"Sakurai doesn't want to simply expand stages and character counts, or enhance the graphics and call it a day. That was one of the reasons he didn't simply walk away from a 3DS-based Smash Bros. and work with Wii U.
Sakurai noted in his discussion with Iwata that in the past he has done all of the balancing personally. He plans to involve his staff much more for these future installments.

The foundation of the 3DS and Wii U Smash Bros. titles has yet to be established. Sakurai noted he would use Super Smash Bros. Brawl as a starting point and move on from there."- [h=1]E3 2011: Early Super Smash Bros Details Revealed -Richard George[/h]get pumped people:papermario:

the gameplay of the series is going to get a dramastic change

... "Dramastic"? :lol:

Er, I mean, do not want. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'd be more than happy with just better graphics, a few new game mechanics, and plenty of new characters and stages. Moar content and the same gameplay we all know and love, and that's all I'll need to keep myself busy with Smash Bros. for years to come.

Considering the 3DS has pretty much everythin' an N64 controller had (and then some thanks to the touch screen), I wouldn't think so.

... And at the least, I certainly don't hope so. I might **** myself in dissatisfaction if the game comes to rely on the touch screen...
The only reason I bought a 3DS was for Paper Mario 3DS!! <333 I love the Paper Mario series ^^ but with the talks of smash bros on 3DS well..that's super ****ing sweet I'll have two games to play on 3DS (since Monster Hunter 3 Tri G let me down T-T)
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yeah i think were all anticipating super smash 3ds to be a great/fun just as all the others have been. and i would probably atleast make it to the toilet if nintendo makes a gimmicky use of the touch screen:sick:

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