New Zelda: Skyward Sword story details revealed


WiiChat Member
Feb 7, 2007
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New details concerning the story in The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword have been revealed.

The following comes from our friends at Zelda Informer:

"Link and Zelda live in the land of Skyloft, high above the surface world below. One day Link participates in a birdriding competition as part of a festival celebration. The winner of the competition gets a prize from Zelda. After winning the prize, Link takes Zelda out on a date and flies her over the clouds on his bird (okay, so the game's probably less 'high school' about it, but I figure this gets the point across). That's when disaster strikes. A giant tornado appears, sucking Zelda down to the surface world. Link gets charged with rescuing her and receives his traditional green garb as well as the titular Skyward Sword. It's at this point that we meet the sword's spirit companion, Phi - she'll guide Link as he journeys across the surface to rescue Zelda. From there, Link travels down to the surface and enters the Sky Temple (the demo dungeon), where he suspects Zelda is hidden. After fighting through the traps, he encounters Ghirahim, the Demon Lord who rules the surface realm, who states that he and his tribe - yes, he's not alone - are after Zelda. You duel him, he escapes, and the adventure continues from there."

Other details:

  • The bird demo is not the very, very beginning of the game; you'll be meeting the people of Skyloft and going through some story sequences first
  • You can press Down on the D-pad at any time the pointer is engaged to recalibrate the controller
  • Phi is actually voice-acted, and speaks in Midna-like gibberish
  • Dungeons are heavily non-linear, and there are significant portions of even just the part of the Sky Temple we experience on the show floor that can be skipped (including the Beetle upgrade)
  • You can actually stun Ghirahim during the first phase of the fight by moving your sword in a circle to confuse him, similar to the eyeball obstacles; wait for an opening, and strike! You don't actually need to do this to defeat him, though, so it looks as though bosses as well as dungeons can be tackled in multiple ways and don't have one set solution
  • Ghirahim may actually not be the final boss

Check out the latest details on flight combat and weapon upgrades for Skyward Sword here.
If dungeons have more than one solution, phew, it´s gonna be interesting to find the best one.
Missing this. =/ Shame on me.

For the triforce's sake please let Phi not be another Navi, ugh...

I wonder if we should expect some "your princess-but-not-really is in another dungeon" business...
^ this isn't mario. I'm sure they're aware of that.

So flyings the mode of transportation now? Not sure if that will work.
^As some sort of pegasus? I thought about that, but the bird thing link was riding didn't look like epona.
I was joking about the Epona flying bit, but... Yeah, I'd rather fly a giant bird than a Pegasus any day.

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