Nights 2


An ancient one, banner of over a thousand acunts
Staff member
May 30, 2006
Super Mancyland
Wii Online Code
Hope this aint a joke

It could be a shop (if it is ill kill the person responsable)
...Dark, you are among the 100 other users (Though you're not a total newbie/n00b) that are extremely gullible. >.> You do realize that is nothing CLOSE to how the Wii Boxart format is, right? Totally fake. <.<
...Of course, the game could actually be real, but the boxart, fake. And that's a damned good picture of NiGHTS. (And yes, apparently, that's how the name is spelled/capitalized. All caps, 'cept the "i".)
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Its a rather strange version of nights
I havent seen the wii box art (dont go into this part of the forum often)
Along with other reasons, I can tell this is fake because KtoA (kids to adult) rating doesn't exsist anymore.
slurba said:
Along with other reasons, I can tell this is fake because KtoA (kids to adult) rating doesn't exsist anymore.

hahaha i didnt even peep that, u so right hahaha. good picture though
That'd be cool, but the boxart is obviously fake the Wii at the top is wrong and k-a was changed to E in the 90's
Actually, it could be real. In the beginning, that was what the top of the Wii box looked like.

Here's an example that's still displayed at IGN:

I never played the original Nights, but I've heard it's one of the best games of all time. A sequel for Wii would be great, especially if they made the original game an unlockable.
It's not real. You can tell by the telling jaggies under the incorrect Wii box art.
There's also the KA rating which contradicts the PAL rating system icon on the bottom right. So yea, it's fake.
Even though that boxart isn't real, there is a Nights 2 in development. When Sega failed to make a full version of "Nights Chrismas" which was a demo, they decided to make a sequel to the 1st Nights into Dreams game. I'm glad because this was my favorite game for the Sega Saturn.
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Some one else has played both
But i dissagre about the xmas version
it was more like a stand allone mission pack
but with loads of extras

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