Nintendo And Sakurai Team Up For New Project?


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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The two companies opened up today a website through which they'll be soliciting employees for the mysterious project. According to the employment page at the site, Project Sora seeks programmers, 3D character and map production staff, sound effect staff, and game planners to begin work in early May. The period of employ will last, at the longest, through the project's completion, listed at the site as being planned for two years from now.

Iwata has apparently been privy to a glimpse at the game's design document. "I'm scared to ask, but how is the content of the new plan?" asks Sakurai. Iwata's response is: "From our perspective, it's not something that overlaps oddly with something that would come from Nintendo or those close to Nintendo. He later describes the project as, "It's something that can be made because Nintendo is backing you up, but is also something that Nintendo could not make."

The new game may have leanings towards core players. "If one were simply considering effective use of funding," explains Sakurai, "we'd have went with a plan similar to Touch Generations. But that's not I wanted." He later adds, "We want to make something that will be wanted even by the more hardcore game players, and something that offers new ideas."

Sounds interesting, and its nice to see Nintendo and Sakurai working together on a new project. We'll have to wait a bit to see/hear what it is but hopefully the wait will be worth it.

i got a text from G4tv about this earlier today. Im excited!!! Now we wait for solid details....Next years E3 maybe?
This isn't good. If non-blind Nintendo fans know anything, it's that when Nintendo tests the waters ("It's something new!"), 99% of the time it turns out to be something no one likes.

I do like the part where he said that it's something Nintendo couldn't make. It's probably going to be a violent game...
This isn't good. If non-blind Nintendo fans know anything, it's that when Nintendo tests the waters ("It's something new!"), 99% of the time it turns out to be something no one likes.
Really? Can you give an example, because i have no idea what your talking about. since well, the ds and the wii are doing EXTREMELY well, and they "tested the waters" and for games, well theres only one game i can think of to counter argue, and thats project hammer. but sadly they never released it.
This isn't good. If non-blind Nintendo fans know anything, it's that when Nintendo tests the waters ("It's something new!"), 99% of the time it turns out to be something no one likes.

I do like the part where he said that it's something Nintendo couldn't make. It's probably going to be a violent game...

yeah i was just going to ask for an example.
If Sakurai's involved, I'm sure it'll be, at the very least, good. Don't worry about it.
I am intrigued, however, by what they mean when they say it's something "Nintendo couldn't make."
If Sakurai's involved, I'm sure it'll be, at the very least, good. Don't worry about it.
I am intrigued, however, by what they mean when they say it's something "Nintendo couldn't make."


As for the example of what happens when Nintendo tries out new things, if you don't know what I'm talking about you're either blind or one of the few that liked it when they tested the waters.
Maybe it's SSBB 1.1

Nah, kidding. I heard that this company will make lots more games if they do well. They are considering a new Smash Bros too.

As for the example of what happens when Nintendo tries out new things, if you don't know what I'm talking about you're either blind or one of the few that liked it when they tested the waters.

you cant even come up w/ an example? LOL sad.

And don't say Wii Music cause Sakurai didn't have **** to do with that rubbish.
Ummm... Let's see what Nintendo "couldn't" make.

They tested the waters and created a joypad which was the standard for decades and is still in use today(PS3/Xbox 360). They advanced and set the standard for 3D gaming with Super Mario 64 which is the basis for %90 of video games today. They advanced and popularized First Person Shooters in the N64 era, if it weren't for Nintendo Halo, Metroid Prime, The Conduit, and possibly even games such as Gears of War wouldn't exist. They tested the waters and created camera to game integration which is just a tad popular these days(but not much). They created voice recognition gaming which is still being widely used today by many games. They created the most popular video games of all time with Mario, Pokemon and now Wii Sports. They created the first touch screen handheld and motion based console which combined will reach over 150M units sold by the next few months.

Also in the 80's they resurrected the video game industry with the NES. If it weren't for that one system we wouldn't even be playing video games today, none of us...
Don't Forget the popularity of (avatars) Mii's that Microsoft/Rare copied off of on the consoles.

Oh beleive me I didn't forget, but if I mention all of Nintendo's achievements and trends I'd be here all day!!

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