Nintendo is kiddie! No, really.

Hotpotato78, I think you took my post outta context I was not bashing Nintendo I was just trying to make a point that Nintendo does not focus on certain age groups like the others do, they release I would say a equal amount for each age group. They are more of a equal oppertunity console, where as MS and Sony have a majority of their games geared at higher age groups. Sure the one game a year thing may have been stretched but it was there for example not really fact, I guess I should have stated that.

All in all I was trying to say Nintendo is not a kiddie console its an every age console.
oh ok. Thats why i said define what you mean by kiddie. but everything cool. Well sorry i took you out of context. But your right, they don't focus on a certain age group. My bad, i just read your post over and i can't see how i misunderstood that, i must be was hungry lol. But its cool tho. You know what happen, I was mainly answeringto the first line in your quote. Because even if that was 20years ago, the whole world still played it and was loving it. But yeah i see what you 2nd paragraph was meaning. For some reason i didnt even get to read your third paragraph. But i can't wait fro the wii to fully bloom.
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Personally I would define Adult as: depth of understanding needed to appreciate the scenario being interacted with...i.e.:
I wouldn't take Wii Zelda as a kiddie or minor storyline, just purely because of the look of it but it's the depth of play involved and in the way you interact socially / emotionally within that world!
It can be at varying levels - although you can probably just fly through it by flicking remote / buttons: BUT: is this what the designers actually intended, of course not!
The work which goes into these titles define what depth of understanding you need to get what the designer intended originally. No swearing, no blood etc..

Another example is Mortal Combat - blood and gore, adult rating but that's where the 'mature' content ends[imho] - the designer has created no social conscience or interaction on a personal level to deem it any deeper than a straight fighter.

Kiddie content is based on the nature of obvious content, when the content involves adult "actions" - sex, violence, scenes of a graphic nature, drug references, lanugage etc etc it's no longer deemed appropriate for a certain age group. This make things fairly B&W for censors, I would image anyway.

Nintendo could be construed as a kiddie provider but there is much more depth to these so called titles, usually manifested as gameplay / playability. Childlike graphics are only spit shine with which a "book by its cover" assumption is made on.
A majority of Nintendo GC titles carried emotional content and not neccessarily realistic violence as is: The two titles in my collection which spring to mind (both 3+)
  • 1: Luigis Mansion:- dealing with the occult related kidnapping of his brother - Luigi sets out to exterminate spirits in a creaky old mansion....
  • 2: Star Wars (Rogue Leader RSII):- You must defeat the evil hoarde of brainwashed troops who are threatening the very existence of mankind! You are on a mission to kill all who assimilate with this evil doctrine (cult anyone?)

And we could all say - well how would a 3 year old understand that etc....purely an interpretation on a theme, that's all.

Of course this doesn't always ring true but as a rule of thumb this is how I would interpretate it imho.

Nintendo are currently trying to drag all and sundry onto the gaming plataeu of Wii - Kiddie staus isn't doing them much harm;I'm sure; they ain't losing any sleep or Yen over this perception...after all, as Corey has mentioned in another post - word of mouth and instant gratification drags one & all in to play...More sales anyone!!!

MysticGohan said:
you read all that...i read 1/3 of that and said enough i cant read this anymore...[*cut]

Master Foot said:
That was insanely long.

I guess you guys don't read books over 1 page long then...
I hope you idiots learned your lesson,
Kiddie:Elmo,Dora,Winnie the pooh. THATS KIDDIE!!
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I'm am soooooo sick of people calling Nintendo kiddie!

I agree with hotpotado87. Just because a game doesn't have blood, violence, or sex doesn't mean it is kiddie.

people are so stupid thinking that Nintendo is kiddie.
Xbox 360 is 65% 9-14 year olds who just had a course in sex ed. Nintendo owns deal with it.

Just cuase a game dosen't have blood dosen't mean its good. If your a real gamer you should know that.
What a well written argument.

I've been a Sony player since the early days of PS1 and bought a Wii just before Christmas. I don't think Ninty is childish, the control method is what makes Wii so special, it's infinately more fun playing games with on Wii than it is on the PS2 equivalent.

Thank you Ninty for finally breathing some new life into old tired genres.

People who say "Nintendo's for kids" simply haven't played one. END OF!!
huzzellio said:
What a well written argument.

I've been a Sony player since the early days of PS1 and bought a Wii just before Christmas. I don't think Ninty is childish, the control method is what makes Wii so special, it's infinately more fun playing games with on Wii than it is on the PS2 equivalent.

Thank you Ninty for finally breathing some new life into old tired genres.

People who say "Nintendo's for kids" simply haven't played one. END OF!!

the words spoking from an honest man. good job..... I so hate to hear people say nintendo is kiddie, as if the system only has disney games for it
i read some, then stopped, too much to read at this time. It's practically midnight here, and I just got off watching Armaggedon on Family Channel, lol. (ironic, is't it?)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5::mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: NINTENDO IS NOT KIDDIE!!!!!!!
Speeder768 said:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5::mad5: :mad5: :mad5: :mad5: NINTENDO IS NOT KIDDIE!!!!!!!
What he said.:incazzato:
so umm....why does no one here have a post count..or a avatar...or anything?

Well, i think Nintendo wii has some very adult games coming out...not kiddie at all.
ottoman said:
so umm....why does no one here have a post count..or a avatar...or anything?

Well, i think Nintendo wii has some very adult games coming out...not kiddie at all.
I think the Godfather is coming to Wii. :D

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