Nintendo Promise To Increase Wii Production


Apr 30, 2006
Nintendo have admitted they are still struggling to meet consumer demand for the Wii console. Speaking to Nintendo Europe's senior marketing director Laurent Fischer promised that increased production for the Wii console will soon be in effect.

"We are still struggling to deliver the right numbers of hardware to cope with demand," admitted Fischer.

"We're planning to increase the production capacity but it's not something that can be done in a couple of days. We have to be patient.

"We're delivering new units to market every week and everyone at Nintendo is working really hard to ensure it's harming the consumer as little as possible," he added.

The huge success of the Wii console and its recruiting power has to some extent caught Nintendo off guard in terms of how many units they can produce and get to consumers.

However, Fischer is confident that the demand reflects Nintendo's much publicised focus on the mainstream market, and the intention to bring new consumers into gaming.

"We're confident the strategy is working, we saw it with the DS, this is what happens when you reach an expanded audience and keep the regular gamers."

"But when you open this new door it's difficult to measure the reaction you'll get," he concluded.

i have to admit that yes, i thought that by this time everyone who wanted a wii had a wii, or basically i thought that every store that would normaly have wiis would have a full stock, but im suprised there is still a high demand. Thanks ion for the news.
Bubbagump said:
i have to admit that yes, i thought that by this time everyone who wanted a wii had a wii, or basically i thought that every store that would normaly have wiis would have a full stock, but im suprised there is still a high demand. Thanks ion for the news.

I am a little surprised myself No store around my town has any in stock and when they do its sold out in about 2 days. This does sound good for me when I get mine later this year. Hopefully I can walk right into game stop and buy my Wii with no hassle. Hopefully NO BUNDLES!!!!!
blogman54 said:
I am a little surprised myself No store around my town has any in stock and when they do its sold out in about 2 days. This does sound good for me when I get mine later this year. Hopefully I can walk right into game stop and buy my Wii with no hassle. Hopefully NO BUNDLES!!!!!

thats what i plan to do (asap that is -.-) im trying to get hold on 300$ for wii, and then find a wii. yea, there hard to find =( whenever i say they're hard to find every1 normally says they're everywher! except michigan =( i stopped trying to get one a couple of weeks ago, but im back at it (ive been spending, so i need to get back my $$) :scared: wii's are getting sold-out too fast for me... :( but i'll get one eventually :p
i am happy that the wii is so popular but at the same time i am sad that there are still people out there without wiis.
Ditto...hopefully Nintendo will continue to ship them out in a timely fashion so that they meet demand. I hope people will have patience and wait for them too instead of giving up. Plus theres eBay if you're that desperate...
bluemooner_mcfc said:
just to let all you guys in the u.k. know that have got them in stock now because i ordered one before and it will be delivered tomorrow for £179.99 inc delivery.


lol, thats my problem. i cant buy stuff over the internet. have to go to the store. :(
Well I hope this news becomes true fast. I was very excited about the wii and waited in line 9 hours on eve of launch at a BEst Buy in B.C, Canada and finally got one of the last 10 wii's remaining. However i returned it a month later for refund because it was unfortunately a defect. They could not exchange the wii due to none in stock but I did get a refund. For the last months I have been searching for my new one and I cannot put one on hold and shipments sell out within hours of stores opening. This sucks because I phone in the mornings before i go to school and they get shipments randomly meaning i cannot prepare a day where I could somehow arrange going to get one even though I have school. I really hope stores start getting multiple shipments per week and therefore will have some in stock after working/school hours. Thanks for the news though.
Hey atleast they actually admit there is a problem they are making the effort to show the public that they want to fix it. They are making the effort to deliver the news to media about why they aren't satisfying customers and what they are going to do to improve. I haven't heard anything like this coming from the mouths of Sony CEO's regarding lack of PS3's.

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