Nintendo warning over "boring" Wii titles


WiiChat Member
Dec 22, 2006
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Quirky and inclusive games for the Nintendo Wii that attract a new breed of gamer could be a bad thin, according to Nintendo president Satoru Iwata.

"If all our games mirror games like Wii Sports or Wii Fit, our gamers would soon grow bored," said Iwata, in a recent interview published to Masahiro Sakurai, the creative force behind Kirby and Super Smash Bros, quickly agreed with Iwata.

Despite Nintendo's dominant popularity since Wii's release in November 2006, many long-time gamers have expressed concerned that the added focus on mainstream consumers comes at the expense of fewer traditional games.

Nintendo on Thursday said its profits have doubled over the previous year, thanks to Wii's broad appeal. According to estimates, the company has sold an estimated 20 million Wiis worldwide, followed by 16.6 million Xbox 360s, and 9.4 million PS3s.

The L.S said:
Developers don't care- It makes them money.
But apparently Nintendo does which is a good thing. Hopefully we will see some classic characters return with new games for the Wii (Star Fox, Kid Icarus etc.).

Thanks for posting CantGetAWii. :)
Icarus and Eathbound. two games i never had the chance to play. And I want them on the Wii.NOW!
Better late than never. Nintendo needs to take some developers under their wing and together create some great experiences.

BTW- Even if developers don't care there are designers out there that realize that they have to make awesome games becuase that's what gamers expect. Although Gears of War was certainly over-rated it still was a cool game to pick up and play and it definitely was a cash in.
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