Nintendo Wii Colors Question

The black one looks so beautiful, i think i'm in love
Pretty nice...but i've already played my PS2 to death and i'm kinda sick of the black, if i'm gonna get a base color i'll go w/ white, red or blue.
If they have it I might get piggy wiigy pink:scared: (get it? WIIgy? I know it's stupid)
They should come out with a pink, orange, yellow, and a pokemon special edition like they do for every nintendo console and handheld.
The only one I would buy out of any of those would be orange, but that is a good idea since it would appeal to a wide variety of buyers.
ssbb_lover said:
All the colors would look cool except for limegreen (whch has already been confirmed...), pink, purple, yellow and brown. I want the d blue, red or black.
When was limegreen confirmed.:confused: All i know is I want blue whether it's dark or light. The colors of the Wiimote @ E3 were white, black, and light blu so many those are the colors at release.
Hmm, I thought I distinctly remembered limegreen confirmed, I can't give u the link, but I can give u my word, isn't that just as good?:D
i think that would be an interesting color for a game colsole.

hell i liked the indego camecube.

and remember that is my third choice.
I have an Indego cube cuz' there was only that and black at the time, and black was boring. But there gonna have a LOAD of colors, plus would u want to look at a limegreen wii everytime u play? I would get sick of it.
I agree. Blue Wii for me. that rhymes. it's lame i know.