NMH franchise going multiplatform...

someones gonna whine about how NMH is gonna be ruined by a run on the ps2,360,ps3,or PSP
someones gonna whine about why the third might not be on the wii.
Anyways..............Happy Canada Day
ugh we dont need this crap spilling over from the wii onto the ps3/360. all its going to do is piss me off and piss off the nintendo fanboys..
but in other words the NMH developer is saying "it was okay on the wii but it really limited us and we'd like to make a more complex sequel"
Perfect timing for the company to jump on board to make use of Sony's new motion controllers.

Can you imagine how many Wii owners would want to get their hands on NMH PS3?

Now, if only Sony could get a price cut and put up decent marketing strength...
Perfect timing for the company to jump on board to make use of Sony's new motion controllers.

Can you imagine how many Wii owners would want to get their hands on NMH PS3?

Now, if only Sony could get a price cut and put up decent marketing strength...

The only thing that the PS3/360 version'll do it enhance graphics and add just few more levels & chit, nothing big. I don't think NMH would do better on any other console.
The only thing that the PS3/360 version'll do it enhance graphics and add just few more levels & chit, nothing big. I don't think NMH would do better on any other console.

You're forgetting that PS3 has the motion contollers tech that they introduced at E3. If NMH PS3 could implement and take advantage of that technology, it could be just like, or on par to, the Wii version in terms of motion controls and gameplay mechanics and would not be possible in the same way on X360 (which has Natal, the hands-free tech that is fundamentally different and doesn't seem ready to come out the door as immediately as devs are already signing up to Sony's tech).
You're forgetting that PS3 has the motion contollers tech that they introduced at E3. If NMH PS3 could implement and take advantage of that technology, it could be just like, or on par to, the Wii version in terms of motion controls and gameplay mechanics and would not be possible in the same way on X360 (which has Natal, the hands-free tech that is fundamentally different and doesn't seem ready to come out the door as immediately as devs are already signing up to Sony's tech).

Yeah, but I'm thinking that they'll be in use for next gen. But I get what you're saying, why get the Wii version when the ps3 verdion'll have more content, better graphics and motion controls.
Sony's motion controller tech is planned to be ready by next year.
Sony's motion controller tech is planned to be ready by next year.

It'll be ready, but doesn't mean it'll be implemented this gen, if it is then the developers'll have more work to do, making the games backwards compatible with both staff and dual shock.
I don't think I understand. Aside from working with that peripheral, what drastically more work would be needed that they would want to wait a whole generation?

I don't see why all games would have to be compatible with the "PS Wand" tech. For one, it's not going to replace the DS3. Something like the wands aren't really applicable in some game-types (using the wand in LBP would be pointless), and the wands also have to work with the PS Eye, a peripheral that already isn't supported by all games, nor ever needed to be.

I was assuming the treatment of the PS "Wands" would be like Wii's Wii Motion Plus in that any given game has to support use of it in order for it to be usable in a game.
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Yeah, I think that in FPS's like Cod they should just have an option to play with the motion controller, but obviously the standard would be the Dualshock. I wouldn't play online with the motion controller, but it might be fun to mess around in the single player campaign, or for split-screen with a few buddies.

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