No Connect24 for the UK?


WiiChat Member
May 24, 2006
Wii Online Code
A new law may force Nintendo to remove a huge part of the upcoming system. WiiConnect 24 takes advantage of a standby feature to allow the Wii system to be 'always-on'. Whilst it remains on, Nintendo and your friends may be able to send messages or 'phone' your system, visit and interact with your town in Animal Crossing, and send downloads to your system, amongst other features. The new law means that Nintendo may have to rule out this feature for the UK, which may also mean that the UK becomes treated as it's own entity, rather than part of the European region.

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this is actually wrong because if you new anything about wiiconnect 24

you would know that it will connect to the net when it is turned off
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ok dont get all mad. and if you knew anything its not off, its in stand by mode which consumes little electricity, about as much as a little light bulb.
less than a lightbulb and the system isn't actually doing anything it's just the network stuff and your memory if you think on it
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i know just read the whole article get mad at the uk not me
struss789 said:
i know just read the whole article get mad at the uk not me

i do blame the uk, i'm not that mad

and anyway how will they stop almost a million people from playing with a games console?
all its saying is wiiconnect24 wont be "always on" but only on while the system is on, like the xbox360 and xbox LIVE. you can only be connected to Xbox LIVE while the xbox is on so i would imagine it be the same way with the Wii. if there is something you want to download, just start the download and then watch some TV while it downloads
Mitch2025 said:
all its saying is wiiconnect24 wont be "always on" but only on while the system is on, like the xbox360 and xbox LIVE. you can only be connected to Xbox LIVE while the xbox is on so i would imagine it be the same way with the Wii. if there is something you want to download, just start the download and then watch some TV while it downloads

then why is it called WiiConnect 24 then?

i would imagine if it is 24 they mean 24/7
If this law does go ahead, it'll take years to implement, so it's unlikely we'll have to worry about it for the foreseeable future. Also, it could be argued that it is more eco-friendly for the Wii to download in standby mode rather than while using full power.
why don't we keep the goverment happy and turn the light's off at night that we would normally have on, d'you think that would shut them up

because then we would be using the same power as we normally use
Just read it again and I know this is a stupid rumour because they can't turn fridges off at night it would spoil al the food. Don't worry Uk gamers this is a big fat lie!

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