No ps3's in stock, but plenty of wiis

Those are all boxes with no wii's. At my walmart they are clean and people still wait at night until walmart opens.
k guys i remember him saying that he saw some wiis at walmart then you guys bitched at him cause he didnt have any proof now he showed proof and now your saying its fake damnit ...kind of irratating .... but at the wal mart here in hawaii i use to work there and im still good friends with the managers there ...and just asked one of them when is the wii coming in wanted to see if he would spill the beans still need to get another one for my nephew... he said he really dont know but to check between 10pm and 6am.. thats when the walmart over start bussing open the containers and filling store shelves.... and believe me most of the workers that work at the electronics at walmart there knowledge of gaming aint so please stopp bitching at him and saying its fake who cares . ive read some of his replys and they aint so nice but still .. grow up and get a life ..and yes if they were fake they would have some kind of sticker on them saying its for display only ...and i recently went to walmart last night they were both sold out of wii ps3 and psp and ps2...
i was just at wallmart yesterday and they had 5 360s but no wiis. no ps3s either , but i dont think they got any in since launch day
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LyricistSoldier said:
Pree shure its illegal to take any kind of pictures and or video in a walmart store. There are notices at the doors saying that there is no photo or video allowed to be taken in the store at any time. And yes i know from experience, me n my buddys tried to make a music video in the middle of the toy isle. They kicked us out and called the cops, luckily we knew them personally or we woulda been in a heap of trouble.

But thats ok you proved there are wiis on store shelves...
Awesome. You are the man. :wtf:

Its so hard to pull out my camera phone to take pictures. My walmart is filled with the laziest people on the planet. I could set off a nuclear bomb and they wouldnt care. You and your buddies are stupid for making a video in walmart.

Yep all those boxes were fake. Thats why I bought 3 of them. Your guys are tools. I bet they still have some in stock. The last 2 times I went they were there. It also makes sense they keep empty boxes behind a glass case :lol:
This is such a stupid argument, who gives a damn if there are Wiis in stock in one, local shop. It shouldn't matter that much to you, one person found some Wiis for sale, brilliant, I've got mine so I don't care. We all know that the Wii is out-selling the PS3 and we have the facts and figures to prove it so stop arguing and stop making it seem like it's the end of the world.

Wii&PS3 has obviously posted this thread to piss you all off, he does it pretty well and it seems that it's worked. He's either a Sony fanboy or an immature retard but get over it, let the thread die.
Whats your point? Wiis are outselling PS3s by the millions, if your trying to fan out nintendo peeps give it up. :frown2: Btw..... COULD YOU BUY THOSE FOR ME???? ill pay you!:D
I went looking for something at 2 gamestops once, and went looking for WarioWare: Smooth Moves at 2 blockbusters. Guess what I saw. I saw PS3s filled it's spot and no Wiis anywhere. Same thing at Best Buy. All PS3s and no Wiis. That Photo is fixed anyway.
so one area doesnt need anymore wii's...big deal? did it ever occur to you that they had come i that day, and noone had seen them yet? or maybe no one needed another one.

The fact of the matter is, nintendo is winning the war, and ps3 isnt. and the way sony is marketing them, the playstation will have a BIG surprise...
Wow I can't belive this topic is STILL going on strong. As the above poster stated the Piece of Sh*t 3 is not doing to well so just accept it. Later...
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yeah very well said. that piece of **** Playstation deserved to die a long time ago(when the ps2 came out) but noo they decided to make another one...well, now they'll get it
"Hey man, I need some PS3s man!!! I got these cheeseburgers!!! Come on man, I suck yo' dick!!!" - A PS3 Fanboy
HAHAHA!!! the last part was the funniest
PS3 and Sony, and Microsoft for that matter suck!

..'Nuff said
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