PS3's a Record Breaker

Ive been trying 2 get my friend a wii still, you either have to pre-order it.
Or just be lucky.
I cant see any in stock STILL
retro_joe said:
why must i keep posting this for idiots assumptions...

thats EXCLUDING Europe/Australia/NewZealand...

PS3 isn't the lowest sales...
I wonder how many of those sales actually went straight onto ebay...
I remember reading something about more consoles being sold in Japan than games for them on launch, for the PS3.

Rahnter said:
That is some very good news for Sony.
No, actually it's good for the consumer. Everyone got one that wanted one. It isn't good for Sony considering they had to spend more on the manufacture of the PS3 than what they got out of it, and they haven't even sold all of the stock yet. It shows that there isn't as much demand for the PS3 yet as the Wii, which is not good in the short term sales figures. However, that doesn't disclude the future sales. Although my predictions are that the Wii will sell well because of all those non-gamers also buying it.
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Squall7 said:
I wonder how many of those sales actually went straight onto ebay...
I remember reading something about more consoles being sold in Japan than games for them on launch, for the PS3.

No, actually it's good for the consumer. Everyone got one that wanted one. It isn't good for Sony considering they had to spend more on the manufacture of the PS3 than what they got out of it, and they haven't even sold all of the stock yet. It shows that there isn't as mch demand for the PS3 yet as the Wii, which is not good in the short term sales figures. However, that doesn't disclude the future sales. Although my predictions are that the Wii will sell well because of all those non-gamers also buying it.

smart dude lol. but yeah when the ps3 was launched, people only buy them to auction them off for higher prices knowing that it was the holidays and kids would want it. lol
If only Nintendo were prepared with enough Wiis that title might be its *shakes fists* lol. Thats one thing Sony are good at - supplying their customers.
Wii_Fan said:
Thats one thing Sony are good at - supplying their customers.

see the US launch then tell me sony supplied enough ps3 and the guys that got shot what sony should've done is released about half of their stock, then sold the rest on ebay themselves for upwards of $1500. then they actually would've made money of their console.
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FWELR said:
see the US launch and the guys that got shot, then tell me sony supplied enough ps3s. what sony should've done is released about half of their stock, then sold the rest on ebay themselves for upwards of $1500. then they actually would've made money of their console.

I cant believe you brought that up. That whole incident was a simple act of robbery and frustration at the lines and price, it had nothing to do with the supply i believe.
Shiftfallout said:
I cant believe you brought that up. That whole incident was a simple act of robbery and frustration at the lines and price, it had nothing to do with the supply i believe.

i wasn't saying that the shootings had to do with the short supply, i think my punctuation messed that up. what i was trying to say is that people got shot trying to get one to put on ebay when sony could have easily done that themselves.
FWELR said:
i wasn't saying that the shootings had to do with the short supply, i think my punctuation messed that up. what i was trying to say is that people got shot trying to get one to put on ebay when sony could have easily done that themselves.

Gotcha. That would have been smart, but bad at the same time. Could you imagine the press demonizing sony if they did that, it would be worse than it is now.
Shiftfallout said:
Gotcha. That would have been smart, but bad at the same time. Could you imagine the press demonizing sony if they did that, it would be worse than it is now.

true, but i'd rather be rich and hated than hated.
Nfanboy said:
Wi rules and is kicking butt really bad.

Those people in England have issues with Playstations. PS3 sucks crap.
Fanboyism Leave it At the DOOR!.. seriously, if you hate it so much, dont ****ing bother coming into the PS3 forum.:eek:ut:

hotpotato78 said:
smart dude lol. but yeah when the ps3 was launched, people only buy them to auction them off for higher prices knowing that it was the holidays and kids would want it. lol
and? just because they were ebayed, doesn't mean they got it for free... they had to buy it in the first place, thus it was a sale. completely relevant.
retro_joe said:
Fanboyism Leave it At the DOOR!.. seriously, if you hate it so much, dont ****ing bother coming into the PS3 forum.:eek:ut:
While I won't stick up for what he says, I will say that this is a Wii site. The PS3 section isn't supposed to be exclusive to be positive about the PS3. PS3 sites are there for that. Afterall, the threads on this site are for the community of people, namely whom like the Wii (hence Wiichat). If this were a purely multiformat site, then you'd be right. But this isn't. It's built for the Wii community and as such, shouldn't be used as a ground for attacking anyone whom dislikes a competitor. If however, someone were attacking the Wii (something that we all hold dear, what with us being on wiichat and all), then that'd be out of order. Someone like Wii&PS3 is like this and is completely out of order all the time, as he's not actually part of the community.

Oh, and also, I'm sure you meant to say Don't bother coming into the PS3 section, rather than forum.

I'm sure if someone on PS3chat started up about how the PS3 sucks, they'd have the same kind of response.

Although to be fair, Nfanboy, at least give justifications for your hatred. Even if people don't agree, at least you'd have a leg to stand on.
retro_joe said:
Fanboyism Leave it At the DOOR!.. seriously, if you hate it so much, dont ****ing bother coming into the PS3 forum.:eek:ut:

and? just because they were ebayed, doesn't mean they got it for free... they had to buy it in the first place, thus it was a sale. completely relevant.

Actually its a Wii Forum. This is just the PS3 subsection and since its a part of the WII Forum anyone can come and post in it can't they? If you want to talk with other sony fanboys go to a PS3 forum and spout some more balone about how great your graphics are or w/e it you guys talk bout there.
I can guarantee you that if there were more Wiis, Nintendo would still hold the record in UK. Congrats to Sony but it's not time to break out the champagne, especially with reports coming in telling of PS3s just lying around.

PS: Microsoft suffered from massive shortages of 360s the first couple of months it was out.
I was just at the mall. PS3s continue to sit there. They told me they have so many, they take up their backroom space. Record sales? In what? Denial?

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