PS3's a Record Breaker

i played on me mates ps3 the other night, and i must say its Pretty good looks nice, Graphics will they are mint, i played motorstorm and it was fun.
I think the only thing that flaws abit is the price, but if ya want to see and play the best pay the big price.

i wouldnt get 1 though, It was fun but not fun another for me to spend £50 a game on and £424 just to start enjoyin.

Ps3 will do ok Not Best but Ok.

But im not fanboy of any console.

I sold me wii for a 360 now i wonder to myslf how long will that last till u get board
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sagema said:
I was just at the mall. PS3s continue to sit there. They told me they have so many, they take up their backroom space. Record sales? In what? Denial?

The Record sales were in Europe, if you read the thread it's quite obvious.

Grats to the PS3, you won this round. I'm actually kind of excited for the year end numbers to see how things shift. Economics minor is kicking in again. It seems each company can claim to be winning the console wars at this point, it's just a matter of who's cocky enough to say it publicly. 360 can claim to have the most consoles in households, PS3 is a hot item in Europe w/ more stock ready to sell. And the wii is selling too fast to keep shelves full. A strong turnout for the video game industry. I don't remember it being like this back in the day of N64.
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FWELR said:
see the US launch then tell me sony supplied enough ps3 and the guys that got shot what sony should've done is released about half of their stock, then sold the rest on ebay themselves for upwards of $1500. then they actually would've made money of their console.
Well I live 3,500 miles away so I wouldn't know :prrr: I was talking about Sony being good at suppling Europe but I have no clue about anywhere else :cornut:
sagema said:
I was just at the mall. PS3s continue to sit there. They told me they have so many, they take up their backroom space. Record sales? In what? Denial?

You're from America, moron. :D
Squall7 said:
While I won't stick up for what he says, I will say that this is a Wii site. The PS3 section isn't supposed to be exclusive to be positive about the PS3. PS3 sites are there for that. Afterall, the threads on this site are for the community of people, namely whom like the Wii (hence Wiichat). If this were a purely multiformat site, then you'd be right. But this isn't. It's built for the Wii community and as such, shouldn't be used as a ground for attacking anyone whom dislikes a competitor. If however, someone were attacking the Wii (something that we all hold dear, what with us being on wiichat and all), then that'd be out of order. Someone like Wii&PS3 is like this and is completely out of order all the time, as he's not actually part of the community.

Oh, and also, I'm sure you meant to say Don't bother coming into the PS3 section, rather than forum.

I'm sure if someone on PS3chat started up about how the PS3 sucks, they'd have the same kind of response.

Although to be fair, Nfanboy, at least give justifications for your hatred. Even if people don't agree, at least you'd have a leg to stand on.

Yeah, i actually meant section/thread, so my bad. It's just stupid that some fanboy comes into a thread and starts spamming how much he hates something. its useless to the discussion, and more often then not never give REAL justification for it. I'm no Sony Fanboy, sure i like sony... but i still like mircosoft & nintendo.. thus WHY i have ALL THREE systems :tard:

MasterJedi2U said:
Actually its a Wii Forum. This is just the PS3 subsection and since its a part of the WII Forum anyone can come and post in it can't they? If you want to talk with other sony fanboys go to a PS3 forum and spout some more balone about how great your graphics are or w/e it you guys talk bout there.
I know its a Wiiforum, i HAVE a nintendo Wii, thus why i'm here, its good that there is a PS3 and 360 forum too, AS I HAVE THEM AS WELL.. i'm no sony fanboy, I'm no Nintendo Fanboy(like you), and unless you have something on discussion to say, shut your Fanboy trap. :thumbsup:

sagema said:
I was just at the mall. PS3s continue to sit there. They told me they have so many, they take up their backroom space. Record sales? In what? Denial?
I have a mate that works for EB in NSW, he said he hasn't sold a 360 in weeks, and currently their store only has 2 PS3's left(they ordered 80). The Wii is sold out, and he said its hard to actually get them in because of the demand. Cut short, he's sold more PS3's in the last month than any other system.

Just because its like that at my mates store, it doesn't mean its like that worldwide. Same with the store you went to. :yesnod:

drroett said:
The Record sales were in Europe, if you read the thread it's quite obvious.

Grats to the PS3, you won this round. I'm actually kind of excited for the year end numbers to see how things shift. Economics minor is kicking in again. It seems each company can claim to be winning the console wars at this point, it's just a matter of who's cocky enough to say it publicly. 360 can claim to have the most consoles in households, PS3 is a hot item in Europe w/ more stock ready to sell. And the wii is selling too fast to keep shelves full. A strong turnout for the video game industry. I don't remember it being like this back in the day of N64.

Any company that releases a product months before its competitors will have most products in households. So really thats a no brainer :smilewinkgrin:

And yes, before i get flamed/spammed for not being online during the weekend, i have better things to do then sit on forums on a weekend. :thumbsup:
In the UK we have this brand-name fixation. Its crazy.
Thats why lots of people will buy the PS3 here. People aren't as informed about the products they are buying.

The PS3 hasn't done that great in the states. The wii and 360 are doing far better. Therefore you should buy a wii60, because no matter how good the ps3 sells in the UK - the American market will always dominate. And if the biggest market in US is the 360 - the 360 will get the better games.

But average Joe in the UK will see Playstation 3 on the shelves and think. "Sony playstation 2s are great - and PS3 is the next playstation, So it must be even greater - I want one. Here is £500."
Nevermind that the PS3 actually sucks - if you thought about it and dissasociated the console brand names you would prob buy a 360.

(In the UK if the X-BOX360 was exactly the same as it is now, but was called the SONYPLAYSTATION360, everyone would have one. Likewise if the PS3 was microsoft it would be hated and laughed at from all sides).
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BrandonMcAuslan said:
the American market will always dominate. And if the biggest market in US is the 360 - the 360 will get the better games.
That is the best thing i've heard on this forum for a long time

BrandonMcAuslan said:
Nevermind that the PS3 actually sucks
Not so good of a remark to make, It is a good console for the price your paying

I don't think we should be bothered who sold more at launch tbh

We should be bothered as to how many people have that console.

I'd go with:

Xbox [Been out longer]
Wii [Sold ALOT in Japan and America]
PS3 [Fastly catching up will overtake eventually (Depending on amount of Price drop)]
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Wii_Smurf said:
Not so good of a remark to make, It is a good console for the price your paying

Yeah, but you are paying for a games console with no good games and a rubbish controller? So I stand by my statement.
Its also twice the price of its competition - who do have good games!

I could buy loads of electronic components cheap online and be like "Wow I got a real good deal on all this technology".

But I'm buying a games console to play games - Not to have loads of great technology.

To be honest there was enough space in the market for the xbox and the ps2 to both exist. We might just be watching a shift in user base - not the outright failing of one system. Instead of Sony dominating 90% they might find themselves sitting on a market share of 40-50% (or less than 30% as things stand now).
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