Official Baseball Talk

omg i am a pissed off Mets fan right now, Minaya..has just traded one of our top chips Lastings Milledge to the Nationals for Ryan Church and Brian Schneider...this is gonna turn out to be another Kazmir trade :mad5:
this is just just hopin for Minaya's sake that the A's want one of these players included in the deal for Haren or Blanton.
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I am in total disbelief at Omar Minaya right now about that trade. Did he not think that Milledge was capable of playing in the outfield?? Another young player with a ceiling next to none, traded for who?? Nobody special. I thought the Mets were set with Estrada, or even LoDuca before they decided not to give him a deal.

Brian Bannister
Matt Lindstrom
Scott Kazmir
Lastings Milledge

I wonder how much bigger this list will get. I can't help but wonder why they didn't want to get Blanton or Haren from the A's who are rebuilding & had their eye on Milledge, at least it would have been a worthwhile trade...
SouthPaw26 said:
I wonder how much bigger this list will get. I can't help but wonder why they didn't want to get Blanton or Haren from the A's who are rebuilding & had their eye on Milledge, at least it would have been a worthwhile trade...

exactly and Billy Beane has said that he loves Milledge , im afraid now its not lookin to bright for the ace we are lookin for....i bet u they sign a guy like Carlos Silva, over pay him and call it a day...thats just the mets for ya :yesnod: ...damn i hate bein a met fan :lol: ..YA GOTTA BELIEVE!!!! :lol:
Anyone, anyone but Silva, they should have went for Garza when they had the chance. They knew the Twins needed a centerfielder & they were in love with Carlos Gomez & did a mutiplayer trade for better players (though I also love Carlos Gomez because he's gonna be a star in a few years). What made the trade to the Nats even worse when I read about it was they offered the Nats Estrada free of charge & it was declined...

Anyways the Mets released their schedule, opening day for them will be the last day of March against Florida at Florida. The one thing that caught my eye that always does is interleague play. They have the Mariners, Rangers & Angels this year. Should be interesting. Opening day at Shea is on April 8th against the Phils, which I can hopefully get tickets for...

Here's some important info from their schedule:

Opening Day, April 8 vs. Phillies
Torre and the Dodgers, May 29-June 1
Subway Series, June 27-29
National League Champion Rockies, July 11-13
Final Regular Season Game at Shea, September 28 vs. Marlins
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Pettite resigned with the Yankees.

Hunter signed with the Angels to make that outfield scary. Also the Angels are looking into picking up Cabrera from the Marlins.

The Devil Rays continue to whore themselves out by trading Dukes to the Nationals.

Still no news on Santana, though if the Yankees stick to their guns (which they won't because they like to flip flop) they'll be out of the running according to their statement that if their offer wasn't accepted by today it is taken off the table.
It is great that Pettite is back. Huge relief. As for Santana, i wont be upset either way. In game 3 of the playoffs Hughes proved he can pitch. If we get Santana, great, if not, i am very very very happy with Hughes and keeping Melky. Both are fantastic. I am annoyed with the twins. They know Santana's top 2 are Yankees and Redsox. Both teams have made there final offer. Other teams wont have as good as offers and Santana might not want to go there. They need to decide. I hope Yanks keep there word. 12pm, if nothing happends, Yanks walk away.
I hope the Red Sox get Santana, that would make for an amazing rotation, I would just want to see how far they could go with a rotation like that.

On another note I would like to see my damn Padres make a move and pick up Andruw Jones, or some other high profile f.a.
Finally got myself a Boston Red Sox jersey. Does anyone know if they change there style of shirt year by year or just keep the same all the time?
well it looks like Boston is gonna get Santana ....the Twins on now thinking about the 2 offers that were given to them and they like them both

and to u Whoops...NO there logo stays the same
Just heard from ESPN that Cabrera and Willis are going to Detriot from the Marlins for six players, four of which are pitchers. Deal should be finalized by tonight, so there will be more details then.
blueovalboy7 said:
Just heard from ESPN that Cabrera and Willis are going to Detriot from the Marlins for six players, four of which are pitchers. Deal should be finalized by tonight, so there will be more details then.

The Marlins are Bull **** dude. I'm sick and tired of this crap. I hope the Ownerships plane crashs in the Atlantic and can't be found.

sorry, I've a fan since 93 and I have experienced too much crap by every owner.
I can understand it, they refuse to pay their players what they "deserve" in relation to other star salaries. I think there might be hope for them in the future, picking up six prospects and a couple of which dubbed "stud" prospects, I think they might have a decent team in a couple years when these prospects hit the scene.
blueovalboy7 said:
Just heard from ESPN that Cabrera and Willis are going to Detriot from the Marlins for six players, four of which are pitchers. Deal should be finalized by tonight, so there will be more details then.

What a ridiculous trade. The Tigers are gonna be good. Ive never understood the lots of not-so-good players for one or two all-stars. The team with the all-stars does better. It's kind of a dumb move on the Marlins part, those were basically their best players. Kinda like the Garnett trade in the NBA.

Now the Marlins are paying one player, Miguel Olivo, 2 million bucks a year, and all the rest under 600,000.

Btw, has anyone else noticed the D-Rays new logo? The old one was waaaaaaay better.
blueovalboy7 said:
I can understand it, they refuse to pay their players what they "deserve" in relation to other star salaries. I think there might be hope for them in the future, picking up six prospects and a couple of which dubbed "stud" prospects, I think they might have a decent team in a couple years when these prospects hit the scene.

Yeah, thats what the Marlins think. I think picking up a bunch of prospects and hoping that theyll be good in the future is too much of a risk. They need to pay their all-stars what they deserve, next year marlins fans will probably not be pleased with their team.
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Been hearing rumors of a Lincecum for Alex Rios trade.

Personally, I would do that. I love Lincecum, but if he's losing games 1-0 all year, it doesn't matter how good he pitches. Think the Giants need to make this deal, sign Carlos Pena and make a run for Tejada if Omar retires. Slowly, we can begin to return to prominance.