Official Photo Album

Frogger said:
...So anyway, I have plain shoes that were £8, but here's my dog too!


I wish i knew houw much thatw as in canadian dollars :(

I would normally,

But i fried my brain on weed :(
I have Nike Airs... They're white.

Converses!? Is that what they are, Emma? I bought my 3 yr old niece two pairs of converses. Rainbow and pink, they're the coolest.
Frogger said:
...I wore it out when I tied a sock to it's collar before... It uh... Doesn't like me. ¬_¬
Look at his pic. If he had a fringe then it would be a typical myspace-emo pic :lol:
killik119 said:
I have Nike Airs... They're white.

Converses!? Is that what they are, Emma? I bought my 3 yr old niece two pairs of converses. Rainbow and pink, they're the coolest.

Real Converse: £40.
Knockoffs that look exactly the same: £8.

My dog is not a he!
LevesqueIsKing said:
British people have dogs?

Only since last year.

They were released in the US for a while but kept getting delayed in the UK :lol:
I thought you guys on the other side of the world ate dog...?

[that was a joke]