Official Photo Album

Ah dammit eh?

Pic from city today, seen this guy a few times:

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I lived in New York City for a while, I've seen crazier guys than that.

I saw a guy on the subway holding a gun up at people yelling my house burnt down after the flood, gimme cash. He was waving the gun and everything. I got off that subway so fast you have no idea. I can kinda laugh about it now...kinda.
Ahhaha nice. Where do you work Rach? (I've asked you this tons of times but I have a bad online memory :p)
Well more at first, because like we get free food on our brakes, but now I kinda eat the same ammount, just healthier now on brakes. Like before I'd just grab anything, now I have some grilled chicken sandwich and those apple fries.
So I guess it's put me off the fatty stuff,(sometimes seeing them come out the broiler is pretty disgusting) but I do still eat their food cos I'm too lazy to cook my own before work =]
You mean Hungry Jacks? :p

Haha, damn that guy Dean, I seen him too, and 1000 others, if they got off their fn asses and worked, HEY! I can get my own monies?!

Where is that guy with my certificate for DIVING! Grrr...The CD with the pics on it better not be melted from all this heat.