other wii sports/sims


WiiChat Member
Jul 12, 2006
New York, New York
Ok I was wondering what sort of sims people would like to see realised in the motion-sensitive glory the wii allows.

We have baseball, golf, tennis, conducting and surgery, but there are tonnes more possibilities with the controller.

Personally I want to see fencing, since I am a fencer and it's all in the wrist anyway, but what else could they do (and this is fantasy here, not what they are likely to do)?
Im sure that fishing will come out - a more complex version than what will be offered in LoZ TP.

I would definitely like whatever sims that come out to actually simulate the movements of your hand in real time - (I think there is evidence that this might not be the case in Red Steel)

Perhaps there could also be a flying game where the wiimote is like the stick to a plane.

Also ping pong (though this could hardly be launched alone by itself)
I know for a fact that there be a Wii Water Sports game separate from Wii Sports. The possibilites are endless:D
REALLY! WoW thats OLD news. how about some more fantasy liiiike ummmm...
a boxing game oror a plate spinning game or remakes of old games with the wiimote capabilities like tetris or the old mario series from super mario bros (1985) to super mario 64 (1996/7ish)
phiggey said:
Also ping pong (though this could hardly be launched alone by itself)
Actually Ping Pong has been released on its own for the X-Box 360 and its actually really fun, altohug nothing replaces the table out in my garage... great times
If u look to one of the wii videos there are 2 japanese girls playing wii-sports ping pong... I will like to see this title
mikybee93 said:
i bet theres gunna be golf,javelin maybey,pool,maybey a game where the wii controller IS the airplane,move it up to go up ect...
There already is a game where the controller is the airplane. You move it up and turn it to make the plane do the same motion. Dont remember the name but it was at E3.

There is also going to be Tiger Woods 2K7 plus the Wii sports golf
DragonM3D said:
There already is a game where the controller is the airplane. You move it up and turn it to make the plane do the same motion. Dont remember the name but it was at E3.

There is also going to be Tiger Woods 2K7 plus the Wii sports golf
Yea i saw taht just after i posted, but they should make it with guns and more complex.
mikybee93 said:
Yea i saw taht just after i posted, but they should make it with guns and more complex.

LOL You want to give Tiger Woods a gun?

Or maybe you mean the plane game. Maybe, but I think its pretty much a game that lets you fly freely and fly through obsticles and such using the Wiimote. A real dog fighting game for the Wii would be soo friggin awsome!!!:p
DragonM3D said:
LOL You want to give Tiger Woods a gun?

Or maybe you mean the plane game. Maybe, but I think its pretty much a game that lets you fly freely and fly through obsticles and such using the Wiimote. A real dog fighting game for the Wii would be soo friggin awsome!!!:p
Rofl! Tiger Woods with a gun. Yea I meant the plane game duh, but they could use "A" for machine gun and "B" for rockets
Well... they are also releasing pangya golf. I'd like to see an mmorpg where its world war 2 or 3 or whatever and people can be different things like pilots and infantry and tank operators. Then you could choose an alliance to join and you get to fight other people!

Other than that Id really like a fencing game where the whole game is based on swordplay!

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