Perfect Dark's performance, N64 VS. Wii

Your reason to buy Wii?

  • Perfect Dark!

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • The revolutionary controllers

    Votes: 8 53.3%
  • Classic games

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Surely not Perfect Dark...

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • The price VS other consoles

    Votes: 4 26.7%

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WiiChat Member
Jul 13, 2006
I have a question I think conserns all of us Perfect Dark gamers.
I hope the creators of Wii can reply on this one.

When Perfect Dark is played on N64 or an emulator on a PC, there is always a problem that irritates me.
The framerate drops in heavy scenes, aiming becomes more wicked, and aiming is very important in a shooter game, isn't it?

I can't understand why framerate drops when Perfect Dark is emulated on a supercomputer.... Acts the same way as a N64 no matter what...

When, for example, me... get to download Perfect Dark on the Wii console, will this be improved? Would the game run smoothly?

I am not thinking about the textures, but the amount of frames per second (those who now can't understand me... *sigh*)

The only reason for me to buy Wii, is because of this great game, Perfect Dark (developed by Rare who now is completely lost, making crappy games for Microsoft who doesn't understand what gameplay is)(sorry for mocking Halo-players, but the levels are 90% boring, seriously)

Shortly; will Perfect Dark's framerate improve on the Wii console?

If not, I'd rather stick to my good old N64, bying replacement parts for the 3D stick every month... ^^

...Hopes the Wii people gets an eye on this, and reply on it :)
As for framerate on emulation, the correct emulator should be able to run by frame per second increasing framerate but not speeding the game up too much, emulators do take much more processing as it is not the actual enviroment the game was meant for, instead it is emulating(imitaing for anyone who doesn't know) the functions of the true enviroment and usually has more processes then the original enviroment, but being that nintendo offered the original enviroment for the games the emulation should be smoother and much quicker then someone creating the emulation from scratch.
in short; there is no way to tell right now but it should be better
I think the Perfect Dark will be better in the wii, cause they will upload all the things they think are not good in the game and put em better... although maybe in the Wii there is going to be a new version of Perfect Dark which I think people are going to buy more than the Perfect Dark on the N64
but i have been hereing rumers that micro soft are get rare to relese there old games via live arcade
it sucks that perfect dark zero went exclusively to the 360. the original was my favorite shooter on the N64.
Perfect Dark was the best FPS ever.
(stupid xbox grrrr...... and they also took Conkers BFD grrrr....)
that is why you become a fan of both. i love PDZ on the 360. i was in the #1 spot on the leader boards for the last level for about a week after me and my friend were the first 2 to beat it on the 2nd to hardest difficulty. i really hope that the original PD is better on the Wii than it was on the 64 (like framerate fixes and bug fixes. stuff like that)
It wont be on the Virtual Console for Wii, because Microsoft owns Rare, the company that made Perfect Dark. Unless Microsoft says go for it, which they wont, there wont be a Perfect Dark downloadable for VC, on Wii.
Jak said:
It wont be on the Virtual Console for Wii, because Microsoft owns Rare, the company that made Perfect Dark. Unless Microsoft says go for it, which they wont, there wont be a Perfect Dark downloadable for VC, on Wii.
Microsoft didn't own Rare when it came out for the N64 so it should be on the VC. They just take the old script (or whatever), fix a few bugs, and put it online.
But rare own the lisence and copy rights for the game
like how sony once owned the rights for gta
Also remember, and I read this on IGN awhile ago (don't have the link; sorry) that Microsoft's rep at E3 was complementing Nintendo and really thought the new controller was innovative.

Though, this was mainly because they were trying to draw attention away from Sony. Unfortunatly, on a different IGN report, Bill Gates sort of critisized both Sony's and Nintendo's ideas. He was probably shooting them down because he's a Microsoft/Windows head and that type of person never likes anything fresh and new (like Wii and basicly anything that Apple creates) unless they come up with it first. I mean seriously, look at Vista: it's a complete joke of an OS and simply copies off of Mac OS X and the Xgl Linux Desktop.

Still, I hope Wii gets some version of PD; new or old.
Mr_Stoukaph said:
Microsoft didn't own Rare when it came out for the N64 so it should be on the VC. They just take the old script (or whatever), fix a few bugs, and put it online.
Its like mgs is owned by sony and it used to be nintendo
mgs is not owend by sony komami own it
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