Nintendo Wii Launching Nov. for $250 ($230 without nunchuck)?


On the Highway to Hell!
Unconfirmed Nintendo tipster and self-proclaimed Nintendo insider Ryan R. writes: "It's me, everyone's favorite 'unofficial' Nintendo Rep with some BIG Wii news that everyone has been waiting for. That's right, the release date: It will be November 12. This keeps up with our Sunday release tradition. The N64, Gamecube, GBASP, GB Micro, NDS, NDS Lite have all been released on Sunday. The original GBA unfortunately was not on a Sunday. Plus we're beating Sony out of the gate by less than a week to try and get those few people who plan on getting both systems. But of course we're not in direct competition with Microsoft or Sony.

Wii's price hasn't yet been finalized. The higher ups don't yet know whether or not to bundle the nunchaku with it. What they do know is that if it's not bundled, it will be $229 and bundled price will be $249. Also Goldeneye and Perfect Dark may be on the Virtual Console eventually. The Donkey Kong Country games, Donkey Kong 64, and Diddy Kong Racing will be on there for sure. Higher ups are still working on getting Goldeneye and Perfect Dark added into the deal."

From Infendo

Now if I were to belive this guy or not, I cant tell myself, but who can we trust or not these days. He sounds a hell of a lot more convincing than the guys like "OMG my dad works for nintendo, leik he knows the release dayt, its September 1st, OMG BE PREPARED!!"

Personally, I think the letter to Reggie Fils-aime was a lot more convincing, but who knows!

So if this guy is for real, I dont know myself, but lets hope!
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LOL thats bs its going to be out in october everyone knows that :) we gotta get a good month ahead of sony screw 2 weeks. I'm sure they will have no problem getting goldeneye and perfect dark microsoft has no use for them and EA owns bond and they love wii! Perfect dark has the nintendo logo and stuff so xbox ppl can't use it :)
Link_of_Hyrule said:
LOL thats bs its going to be out in october everyone knows that :) we gotta get a good month ahead of sony screw 2 weeks. I'm sure they will have no problem getting goldeneye and perfect dark microsoft has no use for them and EA owns bond and they love wii! Perfect dark has the nintendo logo and stuff so xbox ppl can't use it :)

Erm... You do know they made a sequel for Perfect Dark on the 360? This means Microsoft will want to hold onto the rights for a while- remember they've got their own service (Xbox Live) which Perfect Dark could potentially go on. As for Goldeneye, the licensing rights are insanely complicated.

I hope they do manage get those 2 games onto the VC though- I've wanted to play Goldeneye for years!
that's a lie, nintendo has stated the core controllers will come with the nunchuks, what sense would it make to have the consol not come with the nunchuk in that case, none, people are just trying to get hits and you can tell by a lot of the references they make that this is fake, until official nintendo makes the announcement there is no release date, they are probably looking at when they will be able to release with production factored in still.
Link_of_Hyrule said:
LOL thats bs its going to be out in october everyone knows that :) we gotta get a good month ahead of sony screw 2 weeks. I'm sure they will have no problem getting goldeneye and perfect dark microsoft has no use for them and EA owns bond and they love wii! Perfect dark has the nintendo logo and stuff so xbox ppl can't use it :)

Firstly, i think it will be October, at least for Japan, and maybe America. Europe may not get it till November. I heard that nintendo started producing fully-made wii's ages ago- and that they would all be ready for shipping mid-sept.

Also, didnt banjo (a RARE character i believe) appear in a GBA game or something after RARE went to microsoft? I may of just been dreaming things, but im sure i heard about a game. Thought it involved flying somewhere?
This seems a more likely deal that "Reggie's notes for the show" but I don't think this is real either.

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